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The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV

Let's Talk Science

Let's Talk Science LogoScience surrounds us. It is part of our daily lives, all day, every day, everywhere we go.

Science is a way of knowing and thinking about the natural and physical world. From an early age, we interact with our environment, ask questions and seek ways to answer those questions. This lies at the heart of knowing and doing science.

Science is a human endeavour with strengths and limitations. Understanding the implications of these strengths and limitations enables us to benefit from scientific knowledge for personal and social purposes.

Science is a process for producing knowledge. The importance of science to our daily lives is greater than ever: choosing to consume organic or genetically modified foods; choosing products with the least impact on the environment; choosing an energy provider; making informed health-care decisions. We make science-based choices every day.

Science is also the foundation of an innovative culture and at the core of significant political decisions that Canada must face regarding issues such as health-care and the environment.

Understanding science is crucial for all Canadians to be able to take an informed and active role in our country's future.

uses science as a learning platform to provide programs and services that develop an understanding of science, and the role and impact it has in our lives. The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV participates in the Partnership Program; interested teachers and University students can contact us at lts@theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca for details on school visits, University tours, and volunteer opportunities.