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The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV

The President's Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship

Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year open February 2, 2024 and close on March 15, 2024.

The President’s Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship is designed to assist graduate students with the direct costs of their education and is based on student academic achievement and research potential. This scholarship will be awarded to current and incoming students in University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV graduate programs.

"Receiving this award not only gives me the confidence and reassurance that I have the research potential to succeed in graduate school, but it also alleviates some of the financial burden while completing my studies full time. Receiving this award has been instrumental toward my success in the MA Criminal Justice program both symbolically and materially. As Grad students, I think many of us struggle to cope with the challenges of living up to the expectations of the department, the university, and ultimately yourself. In many ways, this award signals that I am living up to those expectations, and I couldn’t be more grateful to my professors and to the selection committee."
- Dana Hickson, 2020-21 Award Recipient, Criminal Justice

Questions? Contact graduateawards@uwinnipeg.ca for support.


The President’s Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship is valued at $17,500 for a period of 12 months.

This award is not automatically renewable. Students may hold the award multiple years in a row, but must reapply each award competition and a second year of the award is not guaranteed.


Eligible programs

Applied Computer Science and Society; Applied Economics; Bioscience, Technology, and Public Policy; Criminal Justice, Cultural Studies; Environmental and Social Change; Indigenous Governance; Master in Management; Master’s in Development Practice: Indigenous Development; Master of Marriage and Family Therapy.

Students enrolled in Joint Master’s Programs are not eligible for this award and are encouraged instead to apply for the Donald V. Snider Memorial Fellowship when applications open.

Applicant Eligibility

To be considered for this award applicants must:

  • have achieved a GPA of 3.75/4.5 in most recent 60 credit hours (approximately two-years of full-time study)
  • be enrolling full-time in the first year of an eligible one-year graduate program as of May or September of the current calendar year, or January of the upcoming calendar year, OR
  • be enrolling full-time in the first or second year of an eligible two-year graduate program as of May or September of the current calendar year, or January of the upcoming calendar year, OR
  • be enrolling full-time in the first, second, or third year of an eligible three-year graduate program as of May or September of the current calendar year, or January of the upcoming calendar year
  • complete the online application with all supporting documents by the March 15 deadline.
    • A complete application includes:
      • a completed online application form, along with
      • all supporting documents, and
      • two letters of support sent directly by referees to graduateawards@uwinnipeg.ca
        • At least one letter of support must be sent by a faculty member from the University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV graduate program in which the applicant will take up the award.
        • Referees have until 11:59 pm on March 18, 2024 to submit their letters

Notes: Although students may be required to apply to each award, this scholarship may not be held in conjunction with an NSERC, SSHRC, or CIHR CGS-M award, a Research Manitoba Master's Studentship, or a UWGSS award.

Application Procedures

Students submit their personal information and required documents using the online application form.  As the Faculty of Graduate Studies uses a harmonized application for The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Graduate Studies Scholarship and the President’s Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship, eligible students may apply for both awards with one application. If you intend to apply for both awards, please familiarize yourself with the supporting documents required for each award before beginning your application.

It is important to have all of your supporting documents and referee information prepared before you begin the online application. Users are not able to save in-progress versions of the online application form.

Required Supporting Documents

The online application asks students to include the following supporting documents:

  • A one-page (max. 500 word) plan of study or research proposal: .docx and .pdf files only 
    • Whether it is more appropriate to submit a plan of study or research proposal varies depending on the University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV graduate program in which the student will take up the award (“the student’s program”). It is highly recommended that students enrolled or enrolling in thesis-based programs submit a research proposal rather than a plan of study.
    • A plan of study may include information about the student’s research interests and relevant background, the relevance of the program to their interests, and how the student’s program can help them achieve their academic and/or professional goals.
    • A research proposal should include: background on the student’s field of study relevant to their research, a statement of the student’s research question or objectives, the methodology used, and the significance of their research (this may include expected outcomes, impact on the field or broader society, or a knowledge mobilization plan). This document should also include an explanation of why the student’s program is an appropriate place to be conducting that research.
    • In either case, the document should include information about the applicant’s relevant academic/professional background, and their interest in and fit with their program.
    • Students also applying for a University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Graduate Studies Scholarship will be required to submit a one-page community engagement statement.
  • A curriculum vitae (CV) outlining the student’s educational history, conference/paper presentations, funding history, work and volunteer experience, etc.
  • Past and current transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate programs in which you have been enrolled. Transcripts should be up-to-date and show the most recent, including current (Winter 2024), term of enrolment if applicable. .pdf files only.
    • For initial assessment purposes only, unofficial transcripts are acceptable. Official transcripts will be requested if you are recommended to receive an award.
      • University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Students: To access unofficial transcripts login to , go to the side panel and under "Academics" select “Student Planning,” and click "Unofficial transcript".
  • Contact Information for the student's referees
    • One referee must be a faculty member from within the student's University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV graduate program, typically the student's academic supervisor or graduate program chair.
    • The other referee should be someone able to speak to the student’s academic achievement and research potential.
    • Note: it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that referees send their letters of support to graduateawards@uwinnipeg.ca by the March 18, 2024 letter deadline. The Faculty of Graduate Studies does not solicit letters of reference nor does it follow up with referees. Applications with missing letters will be deemed ineligible.
Instructions for Completing the Webform

1. Personal and program information

Personal Information

  1. Name
  2. University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV student number
    • Recent applicants to University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Graduate Programs receive their student numbers via email shortly (1-2 business days) after submitting their application.
    • Student numbers are required to verify graduate program application and enrolment.
  3. University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV email address
    • All current UW students have a University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV email address. Students who have recently applied receive their University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV email address after their application is verified as complete and has been sent to the graduate program.
    • Leave this field blank if you have not received your University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV email address
  4. Preferred email address
    • Enter the email address at which you would like to be contacted regarding the results of your application.

Program information

  1. Select the graduate program in which you will be enrolled during the 2023-2024 academic year.
  2. Select your status as a full- or part-time student
  3. Select the year of your program in which you will be enrolled during the 2023-2024 academic year.
  4. Select the award(s) to which you are applying

2. Required Documents

3. Referee Information

Enter the names and e-mail addresses of your two referees.

Note: it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that referees send their letters of support to graduateawards@uwinnipeg.ca by the March 18, 2024 letter deadline.  The Faculty of Graduate Studies does not solicit letters of reference nor does it follow up with referees.

Questions? Contact graduateawards@uwinnipeg.ca for support.


Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year open February 2, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. Central Time.

The application deadline is March 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Central Time.

The deadline for receipt of letters of reference is March 18, 2024 at 11:59 p.m Central Time.

Instructions for Referees

Referees must submit their letters of support to graduateawards@uwinnipeg.ca by the March 18, 2024 letter deadline.

Referees for students who have applied to both the President’s Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship and The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Graduate Studies Scholarship should submit a single letter in support of both awards.  

Letters of support for the President’s Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship should speak to the student’s academic achievement and research potential. If the student has also applied for The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Graduate Studies Scholarship, the letter should address the student’s community engagement as well.