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The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Country: Saint Kitts/Nevis
Secondary School Credential:  Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) diploma with a minimum of two 2-Unit subjects  at the CAPE Advanced Level plus CSEC. 
Also considered CSEC plus two years of college/university at an accredited school.
School copies will not be accepted - results must be issued by the Caribbean Examinations Council.
Secondary School Grade: IV (with no mark below V)
University or College Transfer Grade: 60-64% or C
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Country: Saint Lucia
Secondary School Credential:  Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) diploma with a minimum of two 2-Unit subjects  at the CAPE Advanced Level plus CSEC. 
Also considered CSEC plus two years of college/university at an accredited school.
School copies will not be accepted - results must be issued by the Caribbean Examinations Council.
Secondary School Grade: IV (with no mark below V)
University or College Transfer Grade: 60-64% or C
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Country: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Secondary School Credential:  Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) diploma with a minimum of two 2-Unit subjects  at the CAPE Advanced Level plus CSEC. Also considered CSEC plus two years of college/university at an accredited school.School copies will not be accepted - results must be issued by the Caribbean Examinations Council.
Secondary School Grade: IV (with no mark below V)
University or College Transfer Grade: 60-64% or C
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Country: Saudi Arabia
Secondary School Credential: General Secondary Education Certificate (Tawjihiyah)
Secondary School Grade: 70%
University or College Transfer Grade: 70%
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Scotland
Secondary School Credential: Scottish Qualification Certificate (SQC) Advanced Higher Grade
Secondary School Grade: C
University or College Transfer Grade: Pass or C
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Country: Senegal
Secondary School Credential: Diplôme du Baccalauréat/ Attestation & Relevé de notes (Academic Transcripts)
Secondary School Grade: 12/20
University or College Transfer Grade: 12
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Serbia
Secondary School Credential: Secondary School Leaving Certificate
Secondary School Grade: 3 or C
University or College Transfer Grade: 7
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Seychelles
Secondary School Credential:  General Certificate of Education, with two subjects at Advanced Level and three at Ordinary Level, or three subjects at Advanced Level and one at Ordinary Level
Secondary School Grade: C (with no mark below a D)
University or College Transfer Grade: 60-64% or C
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Country: Sierra Leone
Secondary School Credential: West African Senior School Certificate
Secondary School Grade: 5 academic passes (including English) with an average of B (B3)
University or College Transfer Grade:
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Applicants applying with Sierra Leone high school credentials, please submit the following documents through email to intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca.   Please note, supporting documents might be requested. 

  • copy of West African Senior School Certificate
  • provide copy of WAEC scratch card for online verification with Card Serial Number and Pin Number.


Country: Singapore
Secondary School Credential: Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced 'A' Level Examination
Secondary School Grade: C (with no mark below a D)
University or College Transfer Grade: C
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Country: Slovakia
Secondary School Credential: Vysvedcenie o Maturitnej Skuske (Maturity Certificate)
Secondary School Grade: 3/5
University or College Transfer Grade: 2 or C
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Slovenia
Secondary School Credential: Maturitetno spričevalo
Secondary School Grade: 3/5
University or College Transfer Grade: 7/10; Dobro (Good)
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Solomon Islands (British)
Secondary School Credential: General Certificate of Education, with two subjects at Advanced Level and three at Ordinary Level, or three subjects at Advanced Level and one at the Ordinary Level. Acceptable alternative: U.K. Higher National Diploma or Certificate.
Secondary School Grade: C (with no mark below a D)
University or College Transfer Grade: Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Country: Somalia
Secondary School Credential: Secondary School Leaving Certificate
Secondary School Grade: Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
University or College Transfer Grade: Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: South Africa
Secondary School Credential: National Senior Certificate
Secondary School Grade: APS minimum 30
University or College Transfer Grade: 60%
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Country: Spain
Secondary School Credential: Título de Bachiller
Secondary School Grade: 7
University or College Transfer Grade: 7/10
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Sri Lanka
Secondary School Credential: Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education Advanced Level
Secondary School Grade:
University or College Transfer Grade: 55% or B
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: St. Maarten
Secondary School Credential:
Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs Certificate
Secondary School Grade:
University or College Transfer Grade:
Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
English Language:
See acceptable tests.
If completing CAPE, please see requirements in International Curriculum.

Country: Republic of Sudan
Secondary School Credential: Sudan Secondary School Certificate
Secondary School Grade: 70%
University or College Transfer Grade: Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Republic of South Sudan
Secondary School Credential: Sudan Secondary School Certificate
Secondary School Grade: 70%
University or College Transfer Grade: Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Suriname
Secondary School Credential: VWO (Voobereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs)
Secondary School Grade: Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
University or College Transfer Grade: Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Sweden
Secondary School Credential: Högskoleförberedande Examen
Secondary School Grade: C
University or College Transfer Grade: Pass
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Country: Switzerland
Secondary School Credential: Eidgenössisches Maturitat, Maturité fédérale, Baccalauréat or Maturita federale
Secondary School Grade: 5
University or College Transfer Grade: B
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Country: Syria Arab Republic
Secondary School Credential: GAl-Shahâda Al Thânawiyya-Al'Amma (Baccalaureate)
Secondary School Grade: 50%; Maqbûl (Satisfactory)
University or College Transfer Grade: 60%
English Language: See acceptable tests.