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The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Country: Afghanistan
Secondary School Credential:
12th Grade Graduation Certificate/Baccaluria
Secondary School Grade: 
University or College Transfer Grade:
Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
English Language:
See acceptable tests.

Country: Albania
Secondary School Credential: Certificate of Maturity
Secondary School Grade:  7/10
University or College Transfer Grade: 7/10
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Algeria
Secondary School Credential: Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Secondaire
Secondary School Grade:  12/20
University or College Transfer Grade: 12/20
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Angola
Secondary School Credential: Ensino Secundario 2o ciclo
Secondary School Grade:  Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
University or College Transfer Grade:  Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Anguilla
Secondary School Credential:  Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) diploma with a minimum of two 2-Unit subjects  at the CAPE Advanced Level plus CSEC. 
Also considered CSEC plus two years of college/university at an accredited school.
School copies will not be accepted - results must be issued by the Caribbean Examinations Council.
Secondary School Grade: IV (with no mark below a V)
University or College Transfer Grade: B
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Country: Antigua and Barbuda
Secondary School Credential:  Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) diploma with a minimum of two 2-Unit subjects  at the CAPE Advanced Level plus CSEC. 
Also considered CSEC plus two years of college/university at an accredited school.
School copies will not be accepted - results must be issued by the Caribbean Examinations Council.
Secondary School Grade: 
IV (with no mark below a V)
University or College Transfer Grade: 
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Country: Argentina
Secondary School Credential: Bachillerato or Bachillerato Especializada
Secondary School Grade:  Minimum 7 average
University or College Transfer Grade: 5-6/10: Bueno
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Armenia
Secondary School Credential: 
Certificate of Maturity 
University or College Transfer Grade: 
English Language:
See acceptable tests

Country: Aruba
Secondary School Credential: Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs Certificate
Secondary School Grade: 7/10
University or College Transfer Grade: Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
English Language: See acceptable tests.

Country: Australia
Secondary School Credential: Australian Capital Territory – ACT Year 12 Certificate, New South Wales – NSW Higher School Certificate, Northern Territory – Northern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE) , Queensland – Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) / South Australia- South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), Tasmania – Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) , Victoria – Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Western Australia - Certificate of Secondary Education (WACE)
Secondary School Grade:  Each Province has its own grading system - B
University or College Transfer Grade: B 
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Country: Austria
Secondary School Credential: Reifeprüfungzeugnis (Maturity Certificate)
Secondary School Grade:  4/5; Genügend (Sufficient)
University or College Transfer Grade: 2 or B
English Language: Exempt. Proof of English not required.

Country: Azerbaijan
Secondary School Credential: Esas Tehsil Haqqinda Shehadetname (Certificate of Complete Secondary Education)
Secondary School Grade:  4 or Yaxsi
University or College Transfer Grade:  Contact intladmissions@uwinnipeg.ca
English Language: See acceptable tests.