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The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV



If you smell a burning odour:

  • Contact Security Services at 204.786.6666.
  • Wait in a safe location for Security Services to attend.
  • Direct Security Services to the area where the smell was detected.

If you see smoke or fire:

  • Activate the nearest fire alarm.
  • Evacuate using the stairwell. DO NOT use the elevators.
  • On your way out, warn others.
  • If safe to do so, close doors and windows.
  • Once outside, move away from the building.
  • Contact Security Services (204.786.6666) advising of the location of the fire.
  • DO NOT return until it is declared safe to do so by fire or University officials.
  • DO NOT attempt to extinguish the fire or contain the hazardous material spill unless you are trained and feel you can do so safely. Always leave yourself a direct path to an exit so you do not become trapped. 


  • If the audible fire alarm sounds, shut off any gas in your area, and close doors and windows, if safe to do so.
  • Evacuate using the nearest emergency stairwell. DO NOT use the elevators.
  • Leave immediately. Do not delay to collect personal items.
  • Fire wardens and supervisory staff should ensure that all members of your department have heard the fire alarm and are evacuating by quickly checking nearby restrooms, copier rooms, storage rooms, etc.
  • Fire wardens and supervisory staff should accompany and assist persons with disabilities.
  • Once outside, move away from the building.
  • DO NOT return until it is declared safe to do so by fire or university officials.
  • DO NOT attempt to extinguish the fire or contain the hazardous material spill unless you are trained and feel you can do so safely. Always leave yourself a direct path to an exit so you do not become trapped. 


  • Post emergency numbers near telephones.
  • Know the location of emergency exits, fire alarm pull stations, and fire extinguishers in your area.
  • Only store combustible materials in approved lockers.
  • Do not clutter exits, stairways, and storage areas with waste paper, empty boxes, and other fire hazards.
  • Extension cords can be dangerous. Never run them under carpets, or anywhere they can be pinched under or behind furniture. Avoid overloading electrical sockets and plugging extension cords together.
  • Keep electrical appliances away from anything that can catch fire. Remember to always turn them off at the end of the day.

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