Co-op Fees
Co-operative Education Program Fees
The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Co-operative Education Program offers students the option of three work term placements providing all of the requirements are met.
They are named as follows: COOP I, COOP II and COOP III.
Each Co-op training has a fee attached of $574.30*. These are Co-op fees only. If a student chooses to take Co-op for credit, they would be required to pay the additional elective course fee.**
For the 2024/25 Academic Year, deadlines are as follows:
Applications Open: June 1.
Application Deadline: September 1.
COOP I: Work Term runs from May to August (4 months) and includes module training classes that commence in October.
COOP II and COOP III: Can be either a Summer Work Term that runs May to August; or a Fall Work Term that runs from September to December; or a Winter Work Term that runs from January to the end of April.
*The Co-op fees are subject to change.
**Students opting for Co-op for credit must register for the elective course through the Co-op Office and pay the additional tuition fee associated with their credit hours.