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The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV

Waste Management

The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is aiming for 75% waste diversion by 2021. Unfortunately, our last waste audit reported only 40% of waste being diverted to the proper facilities campus wide. Green Office Program participants can help us minimize waste production and maximize waste diversion.

Waste Management Checklist

  • Office staff know how to properly dispose of compostable, recyclable, and landfill materials. Our office has at least one graphic that shows how to properly dispose of waste.
  • Office staff collect one-sided paper in a designated box and use it as scrap paper for notes or to give to the UWSA Daycare.
  • Office staff print and photocopy on both sides of the paper. Double-sided printing is set as the default for our office printers and computers.
  • Office staff save and reuse items like envelopes, file folders, and paper clips, recirculating them or donating items not being reused.
  • Office staff have desk-side recycling bins that are emptied regularly into a central recycling bin (if not done by Bee Clean).
  • Office staff contacted those who send us paper mail to request electronic versions of their correspondence (i.e. pay statements, etc.).
  • Our office has a Call2Recycle battery box to dispose of our used or damaged batteries.
  • Office staff take broken electronics (computers, laptops, phones, etc.) to designated e-waste drop off cages on campus.
  • Office staff use student-professor e-communications, posting readings and notes on Nexus and asking students to submit their assignments by email.
  • Office staff have reviewed subscriptions and canceled those that are no longer needed or are available electronically.
  • Office staff use document formats that minimize unused space on each page (for example, narrow margins).
  • Office staff use reusable cloth or stainless steel coffee filters in office coffee makers.
  • Office staff do not purchase or provide bottled water for meetings, catered meals, or events.
  • Our office does not purchase Styrofoam products (e.g. cups, bowls, plates, packing peanuts, coolers).
  • Our office’s filing, billing, invoicing, and internal documents are primarily electronic.
  • Our office uses inter-office envelopes instead of regular envelopes whenever possible.
  • Our office does not use a Keurig Coffee Machine or if it does, we use the reusable coffee pods and bulk coffee.
  • Our office provides a reusable fax cover sheet (eg. a laminated sheet, with a dry ink pen that can be easily erased).
  • Office staff use reusable plates, utensils, mugs, and water bottles.
  • Our office safely packages and shares food leftover from events. 

Additional Resources

Batteries can be a fire hazard if stored incorrectly. Familiarize yourself with the  for Call2Recycle's Battery Box program. 

The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV works with as their e-waste recycling collector. 

Get a better idea of the University's waste production in the 2018 Waste Audit.

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