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Requisite Waivers, Department Approvals & Granted Petitions

Requisite Waivers

If you do not meet the requisite requirement, but feel you have adequate background for a waiver, try contacting the course instructor. If the instructor is unavailable, you should try to contact the department chair (or designate). Be ready to explain why a requisite waiver is justified in your case.

If a requisite waiver is granted, your requisite waiver request will be entered into your student record. This process will allow you to register online using WebAdvisor. If a seat is not available, you can place yourself onto the course waitlist.  For complete waitlist information, please see Waitlists.

To confirm your registered courses and waitlisted courses in WebAdvisor, select Plan & Schedule, found under the Student Planning tab.  Then, moving the arrow to the term with the courses, you will see the registered course(s) in green boxes with green checkmarks, which will appear on the left side of the screen. Course sections that are waitlisted will appear and have yellow checkmarks with Waitlisted beside them.  Below Meeting Information, a Drop Waitlist button will appear.  Select the Drop Waitlist button if you no longer want to be on the waitlist for that course section and then click the X in the top right corner of the box to remove this course section from your Plan & Schedule screen.

IF YOU ARE ON A WAITLIST: Check your University webmail every day. If a seat becomes available, you will receive an email notification providing instructions on how to claim your seat.  Login to WebAdvisor, select Student Planning, and select the Plan & Schedule tab.  Move the left or right arrow to locate the term that the waitlisted course is planned, and then click either the Register or Register Now button.  For more detailed instructions on how to plan, select and register a course, please refer to the [PDF].

Courses with a Standing Grade: Students who transfer from another institution may receive a standing grade “S” on their prerequisite course and a course with a standing grade “S” may not be recognized in WebAdvisor as meeting a particular grade needed for a prerequisite.  In this situation, please contact Student Central for assistance.

Important Notes:

- It is the student's responsibility to ensure that all prerequisite requirements are met prior to registering for their courses.

- Some courses require a minimum grade of C or C+ in the prerequisite course in order to register.

- Registration in a course in an upcoming term may be contingent upon a passing grade in a prerequisite course from the previous term.  However, since grades from the previous term may not be finalized when the upcoming term begins, acceptance in the course will be given, but it will be provisional.

- In WebAdvisor, if you do not have the course prerequisite, you will not be permitted to register for that course unless granted a waiver by the Department Chair or the course instructor (or designate) prior to registering. The same applies to co-requisite (course or lab) waivers.

Department Approval - Permission of Chair or Instructor

NOTE: "Petition" = "Permission" – these two words have the same meaning.

Some courses have an additional requirement that will require all students to obtain either permission of the Department Chair or permission of the instructor.  The message you will see is: “XXXX-9999 – A Granted Petition is required for registration in XXXX–9999–000.”

In WebAdvisor, each course has a course description and an additional information section that shows any requisites that the course requires you to have prior to attempting to register. The requisites may be a prerequisite, a co-requisite, or one of the following:

  • Permission of the Department Chair,
  • Permission of the Instructor,
  • Students must consult with the department before registering (i.e., Permission of the Modern Languages Department Advisor)
  • Permission of the Menno Simons College Practicum Director.

Please contact the Department Chair, the instructor, or designate for permission.

Department approval (i.e., a granted petition) can only be granted by the department.  Once approved by the Department Chair or the instructor, you will be told when you can register.  You can then register for the course using WebAdvisor.

Granted Petitions or Permissions for Modern Language Courses

All first-time French Studies students MUST complete the French Placement Test BEFORE registering.  Additional information regarding the placement test can be found on the French Studies website:


Check your Email Every Day!

Information and instructions on waitlists, cancelled course sections, new course sections, changes made to your class meeting days and times, as well as course approvals will be sent to you by email to your University Webmail account.

Check your email every day. You don't want to miss out!