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The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV

Ijeoma Okwor

Ijeoma OkworIjeoma Okwor is a Diversity and Inclusion Specialist with over 15 years’ experience in gender justice, social inclusion, Influencing & advocacy, and access to justice.

She is currently the Nigerian Country lead for Voice program- a grant facility that aims at strengthening voices thus far unheard of, so that they can use their Voices to demand for accountable governance & more inclusive society. Under Voice, Ijeoma facilitated the emergence of community of diverse voices in Nigeria, reached over 30 communities including Universities, custodial centers, knowledge hubs, rural indigenous settings and disadvantaged urban poor communities. She has managed a portfolio of over 40 projects and driven policy changes on behalf of the vulnerable communities in Nigeria.

Ijeoma is currently a mentor and an ambassador of AIME- a social movement of Indigenous Australian People that uses mentoring and IMAGI-NATION, to unlock potentials of marginalized youths (particularly indigenous youths), to create a fairer world. Ijeoma loves the ‘unusual connections’ and power of IMAGINATION that abound within AIME.

With support from Freedom Fund, Ijeoma facilitated the setting up of a Child Domestic Workers Pilot Program in Nigeria, aimed at addressing the abuse and exploitation of children in domestic homes.

Ijeoma was once the head of Influencing Unit of Oxfam Nigeria where she supported (and led her unit) in the development of Oxfam Nigeria’s strategic plan (2021-2025 country strategy)

Ijeoma was once the program manager of International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA), under which she partnered with varied donors like DFID, USAID, EU etc to provide targeted and impactful interventions for vulnerable women in Nigeria. She was also the pioneer National Coordinator of Human Rights Agenda Network- a network of over 300 CSOs in Nigeria. During her tenure at HRAN, she helped set up the National secretariate and facilitated the platforms being enjoyed today by CSOs in Nigeria- these platforms remain a meeting point for civic activism in Nigeria till date.

Ijeoma has worked on landmark consultancies such as her research partnership with Media Rights Agenda- a research that provided justification/basis for the advocacies that led to the enactment of Freedom of Information Act of 2011.

Ijeoma is a lawyer by training, has a master’s in law from the University of Southampton, England. She also has a certificate in Community Led Accountability Strategies & Tools, from Coady Institute of St. Francis Xavier University, Canada.  

Ijeoma strongly believes that there is room for everyone if we make deliberate efforts to be inclusive. She also believes in family and the pursuit of happiness through nature, giving and being intentional about inclusion. She loves spending time with family and travelling (when it is not work-related).