Contact Information
Please provide your name, e-mail and department so we can contact you if we have any questions.
Tell us about your Sustainability/Environmental Research
The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education defines "sustainability research" as:
Research leading toward solutions that simultaneously support social well-being, economic prosperity, and ecological health. It includes research and scholarship that:
•Explicitly addresses sustainability and/or furthers our understanding of the interconnectedness of social, economic and environmental issues;
• Contributes directly toward solving one or more major sustainability challenge; and/or
• Engages community members with the aim of combining knowledge and action to achieve positive social, economic and environmental outcomes (e.g. participatory and community-based research and engaged scholarship).
Based on this definition, do you self-identify as someone whose research and scholarship: *
How long do you expect this research to take?
Do you need a student Research Assistant? *
How many hours per week will students spend on this research, on average?
Will this work be paid?
Is there a deadline to apply for this research opportunity?
Do you consent to having the CSO include your name and a description of your research as part of an online list?
Do you consent to joining the CSO mailing list? You will receive monthly newsletters and other occasional updates.
Are you interested in connecting with the Campus Sustainability Office in any of the following ways?
Thank you!
We appreciate your participation. With your consent, we will post this information on our public portal and recruit students to fill these positions.
If you have any questions, please contact the Campus Sustainability Office at sustainability@uwinnipeg.ca or (204) 988-7618.
**Any personal information provided on this form is collected under the authority of 36(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It is collected to administer the survey and will not be used or disclosed otherwise. Questions regarding this collection can be directed to the Information and Privacy Officer, 515 Portage Avenue, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, MB R3B 2E9 or 204.988.7538.**