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The University of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV

Ed Cloutis

Ed Cloutis Title: Professor, Director, Planetary Spectrophotometer Facility
Phone: 204.786.9386
Office: 5L13
Building: Lockhart Hall
Email: e.cloutis@uwinnipeg.ca

Teaching Areas:
Remote Sensing
Geographic Information Systems

GEOG-1202(3) Introduction to Earth Science
GEOG-2215(3) Mineralogy & Petrology

Research Interests:

Geological mapping of Mars and asteroids.
Spectral properties of organic geological materials.
Applications of spectroscopy to art history.
Development of new techniques for hyperspectral remote sensing data acquisition and analysis.
Detecting variations in crop health using airborne remote sensing.
Socio-economic impacts of climate change.

Planetary Spectrophotometer Facility ()

Space Mission-Related Activities and Experience

05/2022 – present   OSIRIS-REx Canadian Sample Analysis Science Team – Member.

09/2021 – 07/2026 Canadian Space Agency Lunar Rover Mission: Deputy Principal Investigator; LHANS instrument: Co-Principal Investigator; MSI-Macro Instrument: Principal Investigator; Lyman Alpha Instrument: Co-Investigator; MSI Backup Instrument: Principal Investigator.

12/2021 – present   Co-Investigator: NASA PRISM Lunar Vertex Science Team

10/2015 – present   Associate Investigator: Dawn Asteroid Rendezvous Mission Science Team

04/2015 – present   Science Principal Investigator: CSA-funded LiRS LIBS+Raman instrument development program

02/2015 – present   Co-lead: NASA-CSA OSIRIS-REx Regolith Evolution Subteam of Sample Analysis Team

10/2014 – present   Co-Investigator: ESA ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter NOMAD Instrument Science Team

10/2014 – present   Co-Investigator: ESA ExoMars Rover Infrared Spectrometer for ExoMars (ISEM) Instrument Science Team

10/2014 – present   Co-Investigator: ESA ExoMars Rover Mars Multispectral Imager for Subsurface Studies (MA_MISS) Instrument Science Team

09/2014 – present   Co-Investigator: ESA Mars 2020 rover MastCam-Z Instrument Team (+ various sub-teams and working groups)

09/2014 – present   Collaborator: NASA Mars 2020 rover SuperCam Instrument Team (+ various sub-teams and working groups)

04/2004 - present        Science Co-Investigator: NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Science Team


Peer Reviewed Contributions to Books                                                     

  1. Sapers, H.M., L.W. Beegle, C.M. Caudill, Cloutis, J. Dickson, and P. Hill (2021) Scientific Rationale for Planetary Drilling. In: Advances in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Drilling: Ground, Ice, and Underwater (Editors: Y. Bar-Cohen and C. Zacny), Volume II, Chapter 3; pp. 247-311; CRC Press, ISBN 9781138341500.
  1. Cloutis, E., P. Beck, J.J. Gillis-Davis, J. Helbert, and M.J. Loeffler (2019) Chapter 13: Effects of Environmental Conditions on Spectral Measurements. In: Remote Compositional Analysis: Techniques for Understanding Spectroscopy, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry of Planetary Surfaces (Editors: J.L. Bishop, J.F. Bell III, and J.E. Moersch) pp. 289-306; Cambridge University Press; ISBN 9781107186200; DOI: 10.1017/9781316888872.
  1. Cloutis, E.A., M.R.M. Izawa, and P. Beck (2018) Chapter 4 – Reflectance Spectroscopy of Chondrites. In: Primitive Meteorites and Asteroids. Physical, Chemical and Spectroscopic Observations Paving the Way to Exploration (N. Abreu, editor); Elsevier, Amsterdam; .
  1. Cloutis, E.A. (2010) Laboratories in the Earth Sciences. In: Accessible Elements: Teaching Science Online and at a Distance (D. Kennepohl and L. Shaw, editors); Athabasca University Press, Athabasca, AB, Canada; Chapter 8, pp. 147- 165.
  1. Gaffey, M.J., A. Cloutis, M.S. Kelley, and K.L. Reed (2002) Mineralogy of asteroids. In: Asteroids III (W.F. Bottke Jr., A. Cellino, P. Paolicchi, and R.P. Binzel, editors); University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ, USA; pp. 183-204.


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles 

  1. Royer, C. T. Fouchet, L. Mandon, F. Montmessin, F. Poulet, O. Forni, J. R. Johnson, C. Legett, S. Le Mouélic, O. Gasnault, C. Quantin-Nataf, P. Beck, E. Dehouck, E. Clavé, A. M. Ollila, C. Pilorget, P. Bernardi, J.-M. Reess, P. Pilleri, A. Brown, R. T. Newell, Cloutis, S. Maurice, R. C. Wiens, and The SuperCam Team (2023) Reflectance of Jezero crater floor: 1. Data processing and calibration of the infrared spectrometer (IRS) on SuperCam. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 128, e2022JE007481; .
  1. Wang, P., Cloutis, Q. Zhang, and Y. Wu (2022). Quantitative mineral analysis of ordinary chondrites and primitive achondrites using reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 127, e2022JE007571;
  1. Merusi, , K. B. Kinch,  M. B. Madsen,  J. F. Bell III,  J. N. Maki,  A. G. Hayes,  J. Joseph,  J. R. Johnson,  M. Rice,  E. A. Cloutis,  D. Applin,  M. T. Lemmon,  A. F. Vaughan,  J. I. Núñez,  E. Jensen,  J. Z. Kristensen,  K. Paris,  E. Cisneros,  M. R. Kennedy,  and O. Gasnault (2022) The Mastcam-Z radiometric calibration targets on NASA’s Perseverance rover: Derived irradiance time-series, dust deposition, and performance over the first 350 sols on Mars. Earth and Space Science, 9, e2022EA002552. .
  1. Scheller, E.L. J.R. Hollis, E.L. Cardarelli, A. Steele, L.W. Beegle, R. Bhartia, P. Conrad, K. Uckert, S. Sharma, B.L. Ehlmann, W.J. Abbey, S.A. Asher, K.C. Benison, E.L. Berger, O. Beyssac, B.L. Bleefeld, T. Bosak, A.J. Brown, A.S. Burton, S.V. Bykov, Cloutis, A.G. Fairén, L. DeFlores, K.A. Farley, D.M. Fey, T. Fornaro, A.C. Fox, M. Fries, K. Hickman-Lewis, W.F. Hug, J.E. Huggett, S. Imbeah, R.S. Jakubek, L.C. Kah, P. Kelemen, M.R. Kennedy, T. Kizovski, C. Lee, Y. Liu,  L. Mandon, F.M. McCubbin, K.R. Moore, B.E. Nixon, J.I. Núñez,  C Rodriguez Sanchez-Vahamonde, R.D. Roppel, M. Schulte, M.A. Sephton, S.K. Sharma, S. Siljeström, S. Shkolyar, D.L. Shuster, J.I. Simon, R.J. Smith, K.M. Stack, K. Steadman, B.P. Weiss, A. Werynski,  A.J. Williams, R.C. Wiens, K.H. Williford, K. Winchell, B. Wogsland, A. Yanchilina, R. Yingling, M.-P. Zorzano (2022) Aqueous alteration processes in Jezero crater, Mars – implications for organic geochemistry. Science, 378, 1105-1110;
  1. Bell III, J.F., J.N. Maki, S. Alwmark, B.L. Ehlmann, S.A. Fagents, J.P. Grotzinger, S. Gupta, A. Hayes, K.E. Herkenhoff, B.H.N. Horgan, J.R. Johnson K.B. Kinch, M.T. Lemmon, M.B. Madsen, J.I. Núñez, G. Paar, M. Rice, J.W. Rice Jr., N. Schmitz, R. Sullivan, A. Vaughan, M.J. Wolff, A. Bechtold, T. Bosak, L.E. Duflot, A.G. Fairén, B. Garczynski, R. Jaumann, M. Merusi, C. Million, E. Ravanis, D.L. Shuster, J. Simon, M. St. Clair, C. Tate, S. Walter, B. Weiss, A.M. Bailey, T. Bertrand, O. Beyssac, A.J. Brown, P. Caballo-Perucha, M.A. Caplinger, C.M. Caudill, F. Cary, E. Cisneros, A. Cloutis, N. Cluff, P. Corlies, K. Crawford, S. Curtis, R. Deen, D. Dixon, C. Donaldson, M. Barrington, M. Ficht, S. Fleron, M. Hansen, D. Harker, R. Howson, J. Huggett, S. Jacob, E. Jensen, O.B. Jensen, M. Jodhpurkar, J. Joseph, C. Juarez, L.C. Kah, O. Kanine, J. Kristensen, T. Kubacki, K. Lapo, A. Magee, M. Maimone, G.L. Mehall, L. Mehall, J. Mollerup, D. Viúdez-Moreiras, K. Paris, K.E. Powell, F. Preusker, J. Proton, C. Rojas, D. Sallurday, K. Saxton, E. Scheller, C.H. Seeger, M. Starr, N. Stein, N. Turenne, J. Van Beek, A.G. Winhold, and R. Yingling (2022) Geological, multispectral, and meteorological imaging results from the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover in Jezero crater. Science Advances, 8, eabo4856 (18 pp); .
  1. Cloutis, E.A., C. Caudill, E.A. Lalla, J. Newman, M. Daly, E. Lymer, J. Freemantle, R. Kruzelecky, D. Applin, H. Chen, S. Connell, D. Fernandes, F. Giusto, J. Hawke, J. Lamamry, P. Murzionak, A. Parkinson, Q.-Y. Peng, N. Turenne, and Z.U. Wolf (2022) LunaR: Overview of a versatile Raman spectrometer for lunar exploration. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science, 9, 1016359; .
  1. Haber, J.T., B. Horgan, A.A. Fraeman, J.R. Johnson, J.F. Bell III, M.S. Rice, C. Seeger, N. Mangold, L. Thompson, D. Wellington, Cloutis, and S. Jacob (2022) Mineralogy of a possible ancient lakeshore in the Sutton Island member of Mt. Sharp, Gale crater, Mars, from Mastcam multispectral images. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 127, e2022JE007357; https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JE007357
  1. Cousin, A., V. Sautter, C. Fabre, G. Dromart, G. Montagnac, C. Drouet, P.Y. Meslin, O. Gasnault, O. Beyssac, S. Bernard, Cloutis, O. Forni, P. Beck, T. Fouchet, J.R. Johnson, J. Lasue, A.M. Ollila, P. De Parseval, S. Gouy, B. Caron, J.M. Madariaga, G. Arana, M.Bo. Madsen, J. Laserna, J. Moros, J.A. Manrique, G. Lopez-Reyes, F. Rull, S. Maurice, and R.C. Wiens (2022) SuperCam calibration targets on board the Perseverance rover: Fabrication and quantitative characterization. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 188, 106341; .
  1. Maurice, S., B. Chide, N. Murdoch, R.D. Lorenz, D. Mimoun, R.C. Wiens, A. Stott, X. Jacob, T. Bertrand, F. Montmessin, N.L. Lanza, C. Alvarez-Llamas, S.M. Angel, M. Aung, J. Balaram, O. Beyssac, A. Cousin, G. Delory, O. Forni, T. Fouchet, O. Gasnault, H. Grip, M. Hecht, J. Hoffman, J. Laserna, J. Lasue, J. Maki, J. McClean, P.-Y. Meslin, S. Le Mouélic, A. Munguira, C.E. Newman, J.A. Rodríguez Manfredi, J. Moros, A. Ollila, P. Pilleri, S. Schröder, M. de la Torre Juárez, T. Tzanetos, K.M. Stack, K. Farley, K. Williford, SuperCam Team, Wiens, R. C. Wiens, T. Acosta-Maeda, R.B. Anderson, D.M. Applin, G. Arana, M. Bassas-Portus, R. Beal, P. Beck, K. Benzerara, S. Bernard, P. Bernardi, T. Bosak, B. Bousquet, A. Brown, A. Cadu, P. Caïs, K. Castro, E. Clavé, S.M. Clegg, Cloutis, S. Connell, A. Debus, E. Dehouck, D. Delapp, C. Donny, A. Dorresoundiram, G. Dromart, B. Dubois, C. Fabre, A. Fau, W. Fischer, R. Francis, J. Frydenvang, T. Gabriel, E. Gibbons, I. Gontijo, J.R. Johnson, H. Kalucha, E. Kelly, E.W. Knutsen, G. Lacombe, S. Le Mouélic, C. Legett, R. Leveille, E. Lewin, G. Lopez-Reyes, E. Lorigny, J.M. Madariaga, M. Madsen, S. Madsen, L. Mandon, N. Mangold, M. Mann, J.-A. Manrique, J. Martinez-Frias, L.E. Mayhew, T. McConnochie, S.M. McLennan, N. Melikechi, F. Meunier, G. Montagnac, V. Mousset, T. Nelson, R.T. Newell, Y. Parot, C. Pilorget, P. Pinet, G. Pont, F. Poulet, C. Quantin-Nataf, B. Quertier, W. Rapin, A. Reyes-Newell, S. Robinson, L. Rochas, C. Royer, F. Rull, V. Sautter, S. Sharma, V. Shridar, A. Sournac, M. Toplis, I. Torre-Fdez, N. Turenne, A. Udry, M. Veneranda, D. Venhaus, D. Vogt, and P. Willis (2022) In situ recording of Mars soundscape. Nature, 605, 653-658; .
  1. Farley, K.A., K.M. Stack, D.L. Schuster, B.H.N. Horgan, J.A. Hurowitz, J.D. Tarnas, J.I. Simon, V.Z. Sun, E.L. Scheller, K.R. Moore, S.M. McLennan, P.M. Vasconcelos, R.C. Wiens, A.H. Treiman, L.E. Mayhew, O. Beyssac, T.V. Kizovski,, N.J. Tosca, K.H. Williford, L.S. Crumpler, L.W. Beegle, J.F. Bell III, B.L. Ehlmann, Y. Liu, J.N. Maki, M.E. Schmidt, A.C. Allwood, H.E.F. Amundsen, R. Bhartia, T. Bosak, A.J. Brown, B.C. Clark, A. Cousin, O. Forni, T.S.J. Gabriel, Y. Goreva, S. Gupta, S.-E. Hamran, C.D.K. Herd, K. Hickman-Lewis, J.R. Johnson, L.C. Kah, P.B. Kelemen, K.B. Kinch, L. Mandon, N. Mangold, C. Quantin-Nataf, M.S. Rice, P.S. Russell, S. Sharma, S. Siljestrom, A. Steele, R. Sullivan, M. Wadhwa, B.P. Weiss, A.J. Williams, B.V. Wogsland, P.A. Willis, T.A. Acosta-Maeda, P. Beck, K. Benzerara, S. Bernard, A.S. Burton, E.L. Cardarelli, B. Chide, E. Clavé, A. Cloutis, B.A. Cohen, A.D. Czaja, V. Debaillee, A.G. Fairén, D.T. Flannery, S.Z. Fleron, T. Fouchet, J. Frydenvang, B.J. Garczynski, E.F. Gibbons, E.M. Hausrath, A.G. Hayes, J. Henneke, J.L. Jorgensen, E.M. Kelly, J. Lasue, S. Le Mouélic, J.M. Madariaga, S. Maurice, M. Merusi, P.-Y. Meslin, S.M. Milkovich, C.C. Million, R.C. Moeller, J.I. Nunez, A.M. Ollila, G. Paar, D.A. Paige, A.K. Pedersen, P. Pilleri, C. Pilorget, P.C. Pinet, J.W. Rice Jr., C. Royer, V. Sautter, M. Schulte, M.A. Sephton, S.K. Sharma, S.F. Sholes, N. Spanovich, M. St. Clair, C.D. Tate, K. Uckert, S.J. VanBommell, A.G. Yanchilina, and M.-P. Zorzano (2022) Aqueously altered igneous rocks sampled on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars. Science, .
  1. Liu, Y., M.M. Tice, M.E. Schmidt, A.H. Treiman, T.V. Kizovski, J.A. Hurowitz, A.C. Allwood, J. Henneke, D.A.K. Pedersen, S.J. VanBommel, M.W.M. Jones, A.L. Knight, B.J. Orenstein, B.C. Clark, W.T. Elam, C.M. Heirwegh, T. Barber, L.W. Beegle, K. Benzerara, S. Bernard, O. Beyssac, T. Bosak, A.J. Brown, E.L. Cardarelli, D.C. Catling, J.R. Christian, A. Cloutis, B.A. Cohen, S. Davidoff, A.G. Fairén, K.A. Farley, D.T. Flannery, A. Galvin, J.P. Grotzinger, S. Gupta, J. Hall, C.D.K. Herd, K. Hickman-Lewis, R.P. Hodyss, B.H.N. Horgan, J.R. Johnson, J.L. Jorgensen, L.C. Kah, J.N. Maki, L. Mandon, N. Mangold, F.M. McCubbin, S.M. McLennan, K. Moore, M. Nachon, P. Nemere, L.D. Nothdurft, J.I. Nunez, L. O’Neil, C.M. Quantin-Nataf, V. Sautter, D.L Shuster, K.L. Siebach, J.I. Simon, K.P. Sinclair, K.M. Stack, A. Steele, J.D. Tarnas, N.J. Tosca, K. Uckert, A. Udry, L.A. Wade, B.P. Weiss, R.C. Wiens, K.H. Williford, and M.-P. Zorzano (2022) An olivine cumulate outcrop on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars. Science, .
  1. Wiens, R.C., A. Udry, O. Beyssac, C. Quantin-Nataf, N. Mangold, A. Cousin, L. Mandon, T. Bosak, O. Forni, S.M. McLennan, V. Sautter, A. Brown, K. Benzerara, J.R. Johnson, L. Mayhew, S. Maurice, R.B. Anderson, S. M. Clegg, L. Crumpler, T.S.J. Gabriel, P. Gasda, J. Hall, B.H.N. Horgan, L. Kah, C. Legett IV, J.M. Madariaga, P.-Y. Meslin, A.M. Ollila, F. Poulet, C. Royer, S.K. Sharma, S. Siljeström, J.I. Simon, T.E. Acosta-Maeda, C. Alvarez-Llamas, S.M. Angel, G. Arana, P. Beck, S. Bernard, T. Bertrand, B. Bousquet, K. Castro, B. Chide, E. Clavé, Cloutis, S. Connell, E. Dehouck, G. Dromart, W. Fischer, T. Fouchet, R. Francis, J. Frydenvang, O. Gasnault, E. Gibbons, S. Gupta, E.M. Hausrath, X. Jacob, H. Kalucha, E. Kelly, E. Knutsen, N. Lanza, J. Laserna, J. Lasue, S. LeMouélic, R. Leveille, G. Lopez Reyes, R. Lorenz, J.A. Manrique, J. Martinez-Frias, T. McConnochie, N. Melikechi, D. Mimoun, F. Montmessin, J. Moros, N. Murdoch, P. Pilleri, C. Pilorget, P. Pinet, W. Rapin, F. Rull, S. Schröder, D.L. Shuster, R.J. Smith, A.E. Stott, J. Tarnas, N. Turenne, M. Veneranda, D.S. Vogt, B.P. Weiss, P. Willis, K.M. Stack, K.H. Williford, K.A. Farley, and the SuperCam Team (2022) Compositionally and density stratified igneous terrain in Jezero crater, Mars. Science Advances, 8, eabo3399 (16 pp).
  1. Hollis, J.R., K.R. Moore, S. Sharma, L. Beegle, J.P. Grotzinger, A. Allwood, W. Abbey, R. Bhartia, A.J. Brown, B. Clark, E. Cloutis, A, Corpolongo, J. Henneke, K. Hickman-Lewis, J.A. Hurowitz, M.W.M. Jones, Y. Liu, J. Martinez-Frias, A. Murphy, D.A.K. Pedersen, S. Shkolyar, S. Siljestrom, A. Steele, M. Tice, A. Treiman, K. Uckert, S. VanBommel, and A. Yanchimina (2022) The power of paired proximity science observations: Co-located data from SHERLOC and PIXL on Mars. Icarus, 387, 115179; .
  1. Michalik, T., K. Stephan, A. Cloutis, K.-D. Matz, R. Jaumann, A. Raponi, and K.A. Otto (2022) The spectral properties of pitted impact deposits on Vesta as seen by the Dawn VIR instrument. Planetary Science Journal, 3, 182 (15 pp); .
  1. Anderson, R.B., O. Forni, A. Cousin, R.C. Wiens, S.M. Clegg, J. Frydenvang, T.S.J. Gabriel, A. Ollila, S. Schröder, O. Beyssac, E. Gibbons, D.S. Vogt, E. Clavé, J.-A. Manrique, C. Legett IV, P. Pilleri, R.T. Newell, J. Sarrao, S. Maurice, G. Arana, K. Benzerara, P. Bernardi, S. Bernard, B. Bousquet, A.J. Brown, C. Alvarez-Llamas, B. Chide, Cloutis, J. Comellas, S. Connell, E. Dehouck, D. M. Delapp, A. Essunfeld, C. Fabre, T. Fouchet, C. Garcia-Florentino, L. García-Gómez, P. Gasda, O. Gasnault, E.M. Hausrath, N.L.Lanza, J. Laserna, J. Lasue, G. Lopez, J.M. Madariaga, L. Mandon, N. Mangold, P.-Y. Meslin, A.E. Nelson, H. Newsom, A.L. Reyes-Newell, S. Robinson, F. Rull, S. Sharma, J.I. Simon, P. Sobron, I. Torre Fernandez, A. Udry, D. Venhaus, S.M. McLennan, R.V. Morris, and B. Ehlmann (2022) Post-landing major element quantification using SuperCam laser induced breakdown spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 188, 106347; .
  1. Madariaga, J.M., J. Aramendia, G. Arana, K. Castro, L. Gomez-Nubla, S. Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, C. Garcia-Florentino, M. Maguregui, J.A. Manrique, G. Lopez-Reyes, J. Moros, A. Cousin, S. Maurice, A.M. Ollila, R.C. Wiens, F. Rull, J. Laserna, V. Garcia-Baonza, M.B. Madsen, O. Forni, J. Lasue, S.M. Clegg, S. Robinson, P. Bernardi, A.J. Brown, P. Caïs, J. Martinez-Frias, P. Beck, S. Bernard, M.H. Bernt, O. Beyssac, Cloutis, C. Drouet, G. Dromart, B. Dubois, C. Fabre, O. Gasnault, I. Gontijo, J.R. Johnson, J. Medina, P.-Y. Meslin, G. Montagnac, V. Sautter, S.K. Sharma, M. Veneranda, and P.A. Willis (2022) Homogeneity assessment of the SuperCa calibration targets onboard rover Perseverance. Analytical Chimica Acta, 1209, 339837; .
  1. Lalla, E.A., M. Konstantinidis, M. Veneranda, M.G. Daly, J.A. Manrique, E.A. Lymer, J. Freemantle, A. Cloutis, J.M. Stromberg, S. Shkolyar, C. Caudill, D. Applin, J.L. Vago, F. Rull, and G. Lopez-Reyes (2022) Raman characterization of the CanMars rover field campaign samples using the Raman Laser Spectrometer ExoMars simulator: Implications for Mars and planetary exploration. Astrobiology, 22, 416-438; .
  1. Turenne, N., A. Parkinson, D.M. Applin, P. Mann, A. Cloutis, and S.A. Mertzman (2022) Spectral reflectance properties of minerals exposed to martian surface conditions: Implications for spectroscopy-based mineral detection on Mars. Planetary and Space Science, 210, 105337 (16 pp); .
  1. Duan, A., Y. Wu, A. Cloutis, J. Yu, S. Li, and Y. Jiang (2021) Heating of carbonaceous materials: Insights into the effects of thermal metamorphism on spectral properties of carbonaceous chondrites and asteroids. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 56, 2035-2046; .
  1. Tarnas, J.D., K.M. Stack, M. Parente, A.H.D. Koeppel, J.F, Mustard, K.R. Moore, B.H.N. Horgan, F.P. Seelos, E.A. Cloutis, P.B. Kelemen, D. Flannery, A.J. Brown, K.R. Frizzell, and P. Pinet (2021) Characteristics, origins, and biosignature preservation potential of carbonate-bearing rocks within and outside Jezero crater. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, 126, e2021JE006898; .
  1. Cambioni, S., M. Delbo, G. Poggiali, C. Avdellidou, A.J. Ryan, J.D.P. Deshapriya, E. Asphaug, R.-L. Ballouz, M.A. Barucci, C.A. Bennett, W.F. Bottke, J.R. Brucato, K.N. Burke, Cloutis, D.N. DellaGiustina, J.P. Emery, B. Rozitis, K.J. Walsh, and D.S. Lauretta (2021) Fine-regolith production on asteroids controlled by rock porosity. Nature, 598, 49-52; .
  1. Zhang, X., and Cloutis (2021) Variations in the near-infrared spectral properties of ferrous mineral mixtures with different relative abundances. Earth and Space Science, 8, e2021EA001636; .
  1. Cloutis, E., J. Stromberg, D. Applin, S. Connell, K. Kubanek, J. Kuik, A. Lechowicz, A. Parkinson, M. Ramirez, N. Turenne, J. Cieszecki, M. Germinario, R. Kum, R. Parson, R. Walker, E. Wiens, J. Wiens, and S. Mertzman (2021) The Lake St. Martin impact structure (Manitoba, Canada): A simulated rover exploration of a sulfate-bearing impact crater. Planetary and Space Science, 208, 105336; .
  1. Ferrone, S.M., B.E. Clark, H,H, Kaplan, J.-L. Rizos, X.-D. Zou, J.-Y. Li, M.A. Barucci, A.A. Simon, D. Reuter, P.H. Hasselmann, J.D.P. Deshapriya, G. Poggiali, J.R. Brucato, S. Cambioni, Cloutis, V.E. Hamilton, and D.S. Lauretta (2021) Visible-near-infrared observations of organics and carbonates on (101955) Bennu: Classification method and search for surface context. Icarus, 368, 114579; .
  1. Sen, A., B.E. Clark, A. Cloutis, D.N. DellaGiustina, A.R. Hendrix, A.A. Simon, D.M. Applin, A. Parkinson, N. Turenne, S. Connell, S.M. Ferrone, J.-Y. Li, L.F Lim, and D.S. Lauretta (2021) Spectral effects of varying texture and composition in two-component “mudpie” simulations: Insights for asteroid (101955) Bennu. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 56, 1173-1190; .
  1. Praet, A., M.A. Barucci, B.E. Clark, H.H. Kaplan, A.A. Simon, V.E. Hamilton, J.P. Emery, E.S. Howell, L.F. Lim, X.-D. Zou, J.-Y. Li D.C. Reuter, F. Merlin, J.D.P. Deshapriya, S. Fornasier, P.H. Hasselmann, G. Poggiali, S. Ferrone, J.R. Brucato, D. Takir, Cloutis, H.C. Connolly Jr., M. Fulchignoni, and D.S. Lauretta (2021) Hydrogen abundance estimation and distribution on (101955) Bennu. Icarus, 363, 114427 (11 pp); .
  1. Zhang, X., and Cloutis (2021) Near-infrared spectra of lunar ferrous mineral mixtures. Earth and Space Science, 8, e2020EA001153; .
  1. Izawa, M.R.M., D.M. Applin, M.Q. Morison, A. Cloutis, P. Mann, and S.A. Mertzman (2021) Reflectance spectroscopy of ilmenites and related Ti and Ti-Fe oxides (200 to 2500 nm): Spectral-compositional-structural relationships. Icarus, 362, 114423 (21 pp); .
  1. Hayes, A.G., P. Corlies, C. Tate, M. Barrington, J. F. Bell, J. N. Maki, M. Caplinger, M. Ravine, K. M. Kinch, K. Herkenhoff, B. Horgan, J. Johnson, M. Lemmon, G. Paar, M. S. Rice, E. Jensen, T. M. Kubacki, Cloutis, R. Deen, B. L. Ehlmann, E. Lakdawalla, R. Sullivan, A. Winhold, A. Parkinson, Z. Bailey, J. van Beek, P. Caballo-Perucha, E. Cisneros, D. Dixon, C. Donaldson, O. B. Jensen, J. Kuik, K. Lapo, A. Magee, M. Merusi, J. Mollerup, N. Scudder, C. Seeger, E. Stanish, M. Starr, M. Thompson, N. Turenne, and K. Winchell (2021) Pre-flight calibration of the Mars 2020 rover Mastcam Zoom (Mastcam-Z) multispectral, stereoscopic imager. Space Science Reviews, 217, 29; .
  1. Bell III, J.F., J.N. Maki, G.L. Mehall, M.A. Ravine, M.A. Caplinger, Z.J. Bailey, S. Brylow, A. Schaffner, K.M. Kinch, M.B. Madsen, A. Winhold, A.G. Hayes, P. Corlies, C. Tate, M. Barrington, E. Cisneros, E. Jensen, K. Paris, K. Crawford, C. Rojas, L. Mehall, J. Joseph, J.B. Proton, N. Cluff, R.G. Deen, B. Betts, E. Cloutis, A.J. Coates, A. Colaprete, K.S. Edgett, B.L. Ehlmann, S. Fagents, J.P. Grotzinger, C. Hardgrove, K.E. Herkenhoff, B. Horgan, R. Jaumann, J.R. Johnson, M. Lemmon, G. Paar, M. Caballo-Perucha, S. Gupta, C. Traxler, F. Preusker, M.S. Rice, M.S. Robinson, N. Schmitz, R. Sullivan, and M.J. Wolff (2021) The Mars 2020 Perseverance rover Mast Camera Zoom (Mastcam-Z) multispectral, stereoscopic imaging investigation. Space Science Reviews, 217, 24; .
  1. Wiens, R.C., S. Maurice, S.H. Robinson, A.E. Nelson, P. Cais, P. Bernardi, R.T. Newell, S. Clegg, S.K. Sharma, S. Storms, J. Deming, D. Beckman, A.M. Ollila, O. Gasnault, R. B. Anderson, Y. André, S. M. Angel, G. Arana, E. Auden, P. Beck, J. Becker, K. Benzerara, S. Bernard, O. Beyssac, L. Borges, B. Bousquet, K. Boyd, M. Caffrey, J. Carlson, K. Castro, J. Celis, B. Chide, K. Clark, Cloutis, E.C. Cordoba, A. Cousin, M. Dale, L. Deflores, D. Delapp, M. Deleuze, M. Dirmyer, C. Donny, G. Dromart, M.G. Duran, M. Egan, J. Ervin, C. Fabre, A. Fau, W. Fischer, O. Forni, T. Fouchet, R. Fresquez, J. Frydenvang, D. Gasway, I. Gontijo, J. Grotzinger, X. Jacob, S. Jacquinod, J.R. Johnson, R.A. Klisiewicz, J. Lake, N. Lanza, J. Laserna, J. Lasue, S. Le Mouélic, C. Legett IV, R. Leveille, E. Lewin, G. Lopez-Reyes, R. Lorenz, E. Lorigny, S.P. Love, B. Lucero, J.M. Madariaga, M. Madsen, S. Madsen, N. Mangold, J.A. Manrique, J.P. Martinez, J. Martinez-Frias, K.P. McCabe, T.H. McConnochie, J.M. McGlown, S.M. McLennan, N. Melikechi, P.-Y. Meslin, J.M. Michel, D. Mimoun, A.Misra, G. Montagnac, F. Montmessin, V. Mousset, N. Murdoch, H. Newsom, L.A. Ott, Z.R. Ousnamer, L. Pares, Y. Parot, R. Pawluczyk, C.G. Peterson, P. Pilleri, P. Pinet, G. Pont, F. Poulet, C. Provost, B. Quertier, H. Quinn, W. Rapin, J.-M. Reess, A.H. Regan, A.L. Reyes-Newell, P.J. Romano, C. Royer, F. Rull, B. Sandoval, J.H. Sarrao, V. Sautter, M.J. Schoppers, S. Schröder, D. Seitz, T. Shepherd, P. Sobron, B. Dubois, V. Sridhar, M.J. Toplis, I. Torre-Fdez, I.A. Trettel, M. Underwood, A. Valdez, J. Valdez, D. Venhaus, and P. Willis (2021) The SuperCam instrument suite on the NASA Mars 2020 rover: Body unit and combined system tests. Space Science Reviews, 217, 4; .
  1. Cloutis, E.A. (2021) Seeing through the atmosphere of Venus: What is on the surface? Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL092128; .
  1. Konstantinidis, M., E.A. Lalla, M.G. Daly, G. Lopez-Reyes, J.M. Stromberg, K. Cote, and A. Cloutis (2021) Elemental estimation of terrestrial analogues from the CanMars rover field campaigns using LiRS: Implications for detecting silica-rich deposits on Mars. Icarus, 358, 114113; .
  1. Zou, X.-D., J.-Y. Li, B.E. Clark, D.R. Golish, S. Ferrone, A.A. Simon, D.C. Reuter, D.L. Domingue, H. Kaplan, M.A. Barucci, S. Fornasier, A. Praet, P.H. Hasselmann, C.A. Bennett, A. Cloutis, E Tatsumi, D.N. DellaGiustina, and D.S. Lauretta (2021) Photometry of asteroid (101955) Bennu with OVIRS on OSIRIS-REx. Icarus, 358, 114183; .
  1. Cloutis, E., D. Applin, S. Connell, K. Kubanek, J. Kuik, A. Parkinson, M. Ramirez, N. Turenne, and S. Mertzman (2021) A simulated rover exploration of a long-lived hypersaline spring environment: The East German Creek (MB, Canada) Mars analogue site. Planetary and Space Science, 195, 105130; .
  1. Deshapriya, J.D.P., M.A. Barucci, E.B. Bierhaus, S. Fornasier, P.H. Hasselmann, F. Merlin, B.E. Clark, A. Praet, M. Fulchignoni, A.A. Simon, V.E. Hamilton, A. Cloutis, C. Lantz, X.D. Zou, J.-Y. Li, D.C. Reuter, J.R. Brucato, G. Poggiali, R.T. Daly, D. Trang, S. Ferrone, D.N. DellaGiustina, and D.S. Lauretta (2021) Spectral analysis of craters on (101955) Bennu. Icarus, 357, 114252 (13 pp.); .
  1. Kloos, J.L., J.E. Moores, P.J. Godin, and A. Cloutis (2021) Illumination conditions within permanently shadowed regions at the lunar poles: Implications for in-situ passive remote sensing. Acta Astronautica, 178, 432-451.
  1. Simon, A.A., H.H. Kaplan, Cloutis, V.E. Hamilton, C. Lantz, D.C. Reuter, D. Trang, S. Fornasier, B.E. Clark, and D.S. Lauretta (2020) Weak spectral features on (101955) Bennu from the OSIRIS-Rex Visible and InfraRed Spectrometer. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 644, A148 (7 pp.); .
  1. Abreu, N.M., J.C. Aponte, A. Cloutis, and A.N. Nguyen (2020) The Renazzo-like carbonaceous chondrites as resources to understand the origin, evolution, and exploration of the solar system. Geochemistry, 80, 125631 (Invited Review), 47 pp.; .
  1. Kinch, K.M., M.B. Madsen, J.F. Bell III, J.N. Maki, Z.J. Bailey, A.G. Hayes, O.B. Jensen, M. Merusi, M.H. Berndt, A.N. Sorensen, M. Hilverda, Cloutis, D. Applin, M. Mateo-Marti, J.A. Manrique, G. Lopez-Reyes, A. Bello-Arufe, B.L. Ehlmann, J. Buz, A. Pommerol, N. Thomas, L. Affolter, K.E. Herkenhoff, J.R. Johnson, M. Rice, P. Corlies, C. Tate, M.A. Caplinger, E. Jensen, T. Kubacki, E. Cisneros, K. Paris, and A. Winhold (2020) Radiometric calibration targets for the Mastcam-Z camera on the Mars 2020 rover mission. Space Science Reviews, 216, 141 (51 pp); .
  1. Manrique, J.A., G. Lopez-Reyes, A. Cousin, F. Rull, S. Maurice, R.C. Wiens, M.B. Madsen, J.M. Madariaga, O. Gasnault, J. Aramendia, G. Arana, P. Beck, S. Bernard, P. Bernardi, M.H. Bernt, A. Berrocal, O. Beyssac, P. Caïs, C. Castro, K. Castro, S.M. Clegg, Cloutis, G. Dromart, C. Drouet, B. Dubois, D. Escribano, C. Fabre, A. Fernandez, O. Forni, V. Garcia-Baonza, I. Gontijo, J. Johnson, J. Laserna, J. Lasue, S. Madsen, E. Mateo-Marti, J. Medina, P.-Y. Meslin, G. Montagnac, A. Moral, J. Moros, A.M. Ollila, C. Ortega, O. Prieto-Ballesteros, J.M. Reess, S. Robinson, J. Rodriguez, J. Saiz, J.A. Sanz-Arranz, I. Sard, V. Sautter, P. Sobron, M. Toplis, and M. Veneranda (2020) SuperCam calibration targets: Design and development. Space Science Reviews, 216, 138 (27 pp); .
  1. Horgan, B.N.H., J.R. Johnson, A.A. Fraeman, M.S. Rice, C. Seeger, J.F. Bell III, K.A. Bennett, A. Cloutis, J.A. Edgar, J. Frydenvang, J.P. Grotzinger, J. L’Haridon, S.R. Jacob, N. Mangold, E.B. Rampe, F. Rivera-Hernandez, V.Z. Sun, L.M. Thompson, and D. Wellington (2020) Diagenesis of Vera Rubin ridge, Gale crater, Mars, from Mastcam multispectral images. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, 125, e2019JE006322. .
  1. Kohout, T., A. Penttila, P. Mann, Cloutis, J Cuda, J. Filip, O. Malina, V. Reddy, V.I. Grokhovsky, G.A. Yakovlev, P. Halodova, and J. Haloda (2020) Distinguishing between shock-darkening and space-weathering trends in ordinary chondrite reflectance spectra. The Planetary Science Journal, 1, 37 (12 pp); .
  1. Nathues, A., N. Schmedemann, G. Thangjam, J.H. Pasckert, K. Mengel, J. Castillo-Rogez, A. Cloutis, H. Hiesinger, M. Hoffmann, L. Le Corre, J.-Y. Li, C. Pieters, C.A. Raymond, V. Reddy, O, Ruesch, and D.A. Williams (2020) Recent cryovolcanic activity at Occator crater on Ceres. Nature Astronomy, 4, 794-801; .
  1. Kaplan, H.H., V.E. Hamilton, E.S. Howell, F.S. Anderson, M.A. Barrucci, J. Brucato, T.H. Burbine, B.E. Clark, A. Cloutis, H.C. Connolly Jr., E. Dotto, J.P. Emery, S. Fornasier, C. Lantz, L.F. Lim, F. Merlin, A. Praet, D.C. Reuter, S.A. Sandford, A.A. Simon, D. Takir, and D.S. Lauretta (2020) Visible–near infrared spectral indices for mapping mineralogy and chemistry with OSIRIS ‐REx. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 55, 744-765; .
  1. Barucci, M.A., P.H. Hasselmann, A. Praet, M. Fulchignoni, J.D.P. Deshapriya, S. Fornasier, F. Merlin, B.E. Clark, A.A. Simon, V.E. Hamilton, J.P. Emery, E.S. Howell, J.R. Brucato, A. Cloutis, X.D. Zou, J.-Y. Li, P. Michel1, S. Ferrone, G. Poggiali, D.C. Reuter, D.N. DellaGiustina, and D.S. Lauretta (2020) OSIRIS-REx spectral analysis of (101955) Bennu by multivariate statistics. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 637, L4 (5 pp.); .
  1. Maggiori, C., J. Stromberg, Y. Blanco, J. Goordial, Cloutis, M. Garcıa-Villadangos, V. Parro, and L. Whyte (2020) The limits, capabilities, and potential for life detection with MinION sequencing in a paleochannel Mars analog. Astrobiology, 20, 375-393; .
  1. McGraw, A.M., V. Reddy, M.R.M. Izawa, J.A. Sanchez, L. Le Corre, A. Cloutis, D.M. Applin, and N. Pearson (2020) Mineralogical criteria for the parent asteroid of the “carbonaceous” achondrite NWA 6704. Astronomical Journal, 159: 107 (11 pp); .
  1. Stromberg, J.M., A. Parkinson, M. Morison, Cloutis, N. Casson, D. Applin, J. Poitras, A. Moreras Marti, C. Maggiori, C. Cousins, L. Whyte, R. Kruzelecky, D. Das, R. Leveille, K. Berlo, S.K. Sharma, T. Acosta-Maeda, M. Daly, and E. Lalla (2019) Biosignature detection by Mars rover equivalent instruments in samples from the CanMars Mars Sample Return Analogue Deployment. Planetary and Space Science, 176, 104683; .
  1. Vandaele, A.C., O Korablev, F. Daerden, S. Aoki, I.R. Thomas, F. Altieri, M. Lopez-Valverde, G. Villanueva, G. Liuzzi, M.D. Smith, J.T. Erwin, L. Trompet, A.A. Fedorova, F. Montmessin, A. Trokhimovsky, D.A. Belyaev, N.I. Ignatiev, M. Luginin, K.S. Olsen, L. Baggio, J. Alday, J.-L. Bertaux, D. Betsis, D. Bolsee, R.T. Clancy, Cloutis, C. Depiesse, B. Funke, M. Garcia-Comas, J.-C. Gerard, M. Giuranna F. Gonzalez-Galindo, A.V. Grigoriev, Y.S. Ivanov, J. Kaminski, O. Karatekin, F. Lefevre, S. Lewis, M. Lopes-Puertas, A. Mahieux, I. Maslov, J. Mason, M.J. Mumma, L. Neary, E. Neefs, A. Patrakeev, D. Patsaev, B. Ristic, S. Robert, F. Schmidt, A. Shakun, N.A. Teanby, S. Viscardy, Y. Willame, J. Whiteway, V. Wilquet, M.J. Wolff, G. Bellucci, M.R. Patel, J.-J. Lopez-Moreno, F. Forget, C.F. Wilson, H. Svedhem, J.L. Vago, D. Rodionov, and NOMAD Science Team and ACS Science Team (2019) Martian dust storm impact on atmospheric H2O and D/H observed by ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. Nature, 568, 521-525; .
  1. Fox-Powell, M.G., G.R. Osinski, D. Applin, J.M. Stromberg, F. Gazquez, Cloutis, E. Allender, and C.R. Cousins (2019) Natural analogue constraints on Europa’s non-ice surface material. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 5759-5767. .
  1. Hamilton, V.E., A.A. Simon, P.R. Christensen, D.C. Reuter, B.E. Clark, M.A. Barucci, N.E. Bowles, W.V. Boynton, J.R. Brucato, A. Cloutis, H.C. Connolly Jr., K.L. Donaldson Hanna, J.P. Emery, H.L. Enos, S. Fornasier, C.W. Haberle, R.D. Hanna, E.S. Howell, H.H. Kaplan, L.P. Keller, C. Lantz, J.-Y. Li, L.F. Lim, T.J. McCoy, F. Merlin, M.C. Nolan, A. Praet, B. Rozitis, S.A. Sandford, D.L. Schrader, C.A. Thomas, X.-D. Zhou, D.S. Lauretta, and The OSIRIS-REx Team (2019) Evidence for widespread hydrated minerals on asteroid (101955) Bennu. Nature Astronomy, 3, 332-340; .
  1. Palomba, E., A. Longobardo, M.C. De Sanctis, N.T. Stein, B. Ehlmann, A. Galiano, A. Raponi, M. Ciarniello, E. Ammannito, Cloutis, F.G. Carrozzo, M. T. Capria, K. Stephan, F. Zambon, F. Tosi, C.A. Raymond, and C.T. Russell (2019) Compositional differences among Bright Spots on the Ceres surface. Icarus, 320, 202-212.
  1. Osinski, G.R., M. Battler, C.M. Caudill, R. Francis, T. Haltigin, V.J. Hipkin, M. Kerrigan, E.A. Pilles, A. Pontefract, L.L. Tornabene, P. Allard, J.N. Bakambu, K. Balachandran, D.W. Beaty, D. Bednar, A. Bina, M. Bourassa, F. Cao, P. Christoffersen, B.-H. Choe, Cloutis, K. Cote, M. Cross, B. D’Aoust, O. Draz, B. Dudley, S. Duff, T. Dzamba, P. Fulford, E. Godin, J. Goordial, A.G. Galofre, T. Haid, E. Harrington, T. Harrison, J. Hawkswell, D. Hickson, P. Hill, L. Innis, D. King, J. Kissi, J. Laughton, Y. Li, E. Lymer, C. Maggiori, M. Maloney, C.L. Marion, J. Maris, S. Mcfadden, S.M. McLennan, A. Mittelholz, Z. Morse, J. Newman, J. O’Callaghan, A. Pascual, P. Patel, M. Picard, I. Pritchard, J.T. Poitras, C. Ryan, H. Sapers, E.A. Silber, S. Simpson, R. Sopoco, M. Svensson, G. Tolometti, D. Uribe, R. Wilks, K.H. Williford, T. Xie, and W. Zylberman (2019) The CanMars Mars Sample Return analogue mission. Planetary and Space Science, 166, 110-130; doi: .
  1. Donaldson Hanna, K.L., D.L. Schrader, A. Cloutis, G.D. Cody, A.J. King, T.J. McCoy, D.M. Applin, J.P. Mann, N.E. Bowles, J.R. Brucato, H.C. Connolly Jr., E. Dotto, L.P. Keller, L.F. Lim, B.E. Clark, V.E. Hamilton, C. Lantz, D.S. Lauretta, S.S. Russell, and P.F. Schofield (2019) Spectral characterization of analog samples in anticipation of OSIRIS-REx’s arrival at Bennu: A blind test study. Icarus, 319, 701-723; .
  1. Izawa, M.R.M., A. Cloutis, T. Rhind, S.A. Mertzman, D.M. Applin, J.M. Stromberg, and D.M. Sherman (2019) Spectral reflectance properties of magnetites: Implications for remote sensing. Icarus, 319, 525-539; doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2018.10.002.
  1. Galiano, A., E. Palomba, A. Longobardo, M.C. De Sanctis, F.G. Carrozzo, A. Raponi, F. Tosi, E. Ammannito, A. Cloutis, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, and the VIR Team (2019) Spectral analysis of the Cerean geological unit crater central peak material as an indicator of subsurface mineral composition. Icarus, 318, 75-98; doi: .
  1. Ronholm, J., J. Goordial, H.M. Sapers, M.R.M. Izawa, D.M. Applin, A. Pontefract, C.R. Omelon, G. Lamarche-Gagnon, A. Cloutis, and L.G. Whyte (2018) Characterization of microbial communities hosted in quartzofeldspathic and serpentine lithologies in Jeffrey Mine, Canada. Astrobiology, 18 (8), 1008-1022; .
  1. Nicol, C., A. Ellery, B. Lynch, Cloutis, and G. de Croon (2018) Martian methane plume models for defining Mars rover methane source search strategies. International Journal of Astrobiology, 17, 228-238; .
  1. Kiddell, C.B., A. Cloutis, B.R. Dagdick, J.M. Stromberg, D.M. Applin, and J.P. Mann (2018) Spectral reflectance of powder coatings on carbonaceous chondrite slabs: Implications for asteroid regolith observations. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, 123, 2803-2840; doi: .
  1. Johnson, J.R., J.F. Bell III, S. Bender, Cloutis, B. Ehlmann, A. Fraeman, O. Gasnault, S. Maurice, P. Pinet, L. Thompson, D. Wellington, and R.C. Wiens (2018) Bagnold Dunes campaign Phase 2: Visible/near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy of longitudinal ripple sands. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 9480-9487; .
  1. Thangjam, G., A. Nathues, T. Platz, M. Hoffmann, A. Cloutis, K. Mengel, M.R.M. Izawa, and D.M. Applin (2018) Spectral properties and geology of bright and dark material on dwarf planet Ceres. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 53, 1961-1982; doi:10.1111/maps.13044.
  1. Schäfer, M., T. Schäfer, M.R.M. Izawa, A. Cloutis, S.E. Schröder, T. Roatsch, F. Preusker, K. Stephan, K.-D. Matz, C.A. Raymond, and C.T. Russell (2018) Ceres’ spectral link to carbonaceous chondrites – analysis of the dark background materials. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 53, 1925-1945; doi:10.1111/maps.13079.
  1. Vandaele, A.C., J.-J. Lopez-Moreno, M.R. Patel, G. Bellucci, F. Daerden, B. Ristic, S. Robert, I.R. Thomas, V. Wilquet, M. Allen, G. Alonso-Rodrigo, F. Altieri, S. Aoki, D. Bolsée, T. Clancy, Cloutis, C. Depiesse, R. Drummond, A. Fedorova, V. Formisano, B. Funke, F. González-Galindo, A. Geminale, J.-C. Gérard, M. Giuranna, L. Hetey, N. Ignatiev, J. Kaminski, O. Karatekin, Y. Kasaba, M. Leese, F. Lefèvre, S.R. Lewis, M. López-Valverde, A. Mahieux, J. Mason, J. McConnell, M. Mumma, L. Neary, E. Neefs, E. Renotte, J. Rodriguez-Gomez, G. Sindoni, M. Smith, A. Stiepen, A. Trokhimovsky, J. Vander Auwera, G. Villaneuva. S. Viscardy, J. Whiteway, Y. Willame, M. Wolff, and the NOMAD Team (2018) NOMAD, an integrated suite of three spectrometers for the ExoMars Trace Gas Mission: Technical description, science objectives and expected performance. Space Science Reviews, 214, 80 (47 pp); .
  1. Hardersen, P.S., V. Reddy, Cloutis, M. Nowinski, M. Dievendorf, R.M. Genet, S. Becker, and R. Roberts (2018) Basalt or not? Near-infrared spectra, surface mineralogical estimates, and meteorite analogs for 33 Vp-type asteroids. Astronomical Journal, 156, 11 (16 pp); doi:10.3847/1538-2881/aac3d2.
  1. Fox-Powell, M.G., A. Channing, D. Applin, Cloutis, L.J. Preston, and C.R. Cousins (2018) Cryogenic silicification of microorganisms in hydrothermal fluids. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 498, 1-8; .
  1. Cloutis, E.A., D. Hewson, D.M. Applin, J.P. Mann, and S.A. Mertzman (2018) Raman and reflectance spectroscopy of serpentinites and related hydrated silicates: Effects of physical properties and observational parameters, and implications for detection and characterization on Mars. Planetary and Space Science, 159, 66-83; .
  1. Cloutis, E.A., V. Reddy, and D.T. Blewett (2018) The ungrouped achondrite Northwest Africa (NWA) 7325: Spectral reflectance properties and implications for parent body identification. Icarus, 311, 384-393.

Applin, D. M., M. R. M. Izawa, E. A. Cloutis, J. J. Gillis-Davis, K. M. Pitman, T .L. Roush, A. R. Hendrix, and P. G. Lucey. 2018. Icarus 307: 40–82.

Eshelman, E., M. G. Daly, G. Slater, and E. A. Cloutis. 2018. . Planetary and Space Science 151: 1-10 doi:10.1016/j/pss.2017.09.003.

Poitras, J. T., E. A. Cloutis, M. R. Salvatore, S. A. Mertzman, D. M. Applin, and P. Mann. 2018. . Icarus, 306: 50–73; doi:10.1016.j.icarus.2018.01.023.

Cloutis, E. A., V. B. Pietrasz, C. Kiddell, M. R. M. Izawa, P. Vernazza, T. H. Burbine, F. DeMeo, K. T. Tait, J. F. Bell III, P. Mann, D. M. Applin, and V. Reddy. 2018. . Icarus 305: 203–224.

Izawa, M. R. M., E. A. Cloutis, T. Rhind, S. A. Mertzman, J. Poitras, D. M. Applin, and P. Mann. 2018. . Icarus 300: 392–400.

Le Corre, L., J. A. Sanchez, V. Reddy, D. Takir, E. A. Cloutis, A. Thirouin, K. J. Becker, J.-Y. Li, S. Sugita, and E. Tatsumi. 2018. . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475: 614–623.

Johnson, J. R., C. Achilles, J. F. Bell III, S. Bender, E. Cloutis, B. Ehlmann, A. Fraeman, O. Gasnault, V. E. Hamilton, S. Le Mouélic, S. Maurice, P. Pinet, L. Thompson, D. Wellington, and R. C. Wiens. 2017. . Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets 122: 2655–2684; doi:10.1002/2016JE005187.

Bhatt, M., V. Reddy, K. Schindler, E. Cloutis, A. Bhardwaj, L. Le Corre, and P. Mann. 2017. . Astronomy & Astrophysics 608: A67, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201630361.

Nathues, A., T. Platz, M. Hoffmann, G. Thangjam, E. A. Cloutis, D. M. Applin, L. Le Corre, V. Reddy, K. Mengel, S. Protopapa, D. Takir, F. Preusker, B. E. Schmidt, and C. T. Russell. 2017. . Astronomical Journal 154(3): 84 (13 pp); doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/aa7a04.

Korablev, O. I., Y. Dobrolensky, N. Evdokimova, A. A. Fedorova, R. O. Kuzmin, S. N. Mantsevich, E. A. Cloutis, J. Carter, F. Poulet, J. Flahaut, A. Griffiths, M. Gunn, N. Schmitz, J. Martín-Torres, M.-P. Zorzano, D. S. Rodionov, J. L. Vago, A. V. Stepanov, A. Yu. Titov, N. A. Vyazovetsky, A. Yu. Trokhimovskiy, A. G. Sapgir, Yu. K. Kalinnikov, Yu. S. Ivanov, A. A. Shapkin, and A. Yu. Ivanov. 2017. Astrobiology 17 (6-7): 542–565. doi:10.1089/ast.2016.1543.

Sutton, S., C. M. O’D. Alexander, A. Bryant, A. Lanzirotti, M. Newville, and E. A. Cloutis. 2017. . Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 211: 115–132.

Wang, Z., Y. Wu, D. T. Blewett, E. A. Cloutis, Y. Zheng, and J. Chen. 2017. . Geophysical Research Letters 44: 3485–3492, doi:10.1002/2017GL072652.

Berard, G. M., E. A. Cloutis, and P. Mann. 2017. Leaf reflectance and transmittance properties (350-2500 nm): Implications for vegetation indices. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 25: 138–144.

Cloutis, E. A., V. Jonatanson, J. L. Bandfield, E. S. Amador, F. Rivera-Hernández, P. Mann, and S. A. Mertzman. 2017. Hydrothermally-altered dacite terrains in the Methana peninsula Greece: Relevance to Mars. Planetary and Space Science 138: 55–74.

Nathues, A., T. Platz, G. Thangjam, M. Hoffmann, K. Mengel, E. A. Cloutis, L. Le Corre, V. Reddy, J. Kallisch, and D. A. Crown. 2017. . Astronomical Journal 153 (3): 112; doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/153/3/112. 

Smith, R. J., B. N. H. Horgan, P. Mann, E. A. Cloutis, and P. R. Christensen. 2017. . Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 122: 203–227, doi:10/1002/2016JE005112.

Horgan, B. N. H., R. J. Smith, E. A. Cloutis, P. Mann, and P. R. Christensen. 2017. . Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 122: 172–202, doi:10/1002/2016JE005111.

McCraig, M. A., G. R. Osinski, E. A. Cloutis, R. L. Flemming, M. R. M. Izawa, V. Reddy, S. K. Fieber-Beyer, L. Pompilio, F. van der Meer, J. A. Berger, M. S. Bramble, and D. M. Applin. 2017. Computers & Geosciences 100: 103–114.

Sanchez, J. A., V. Reddy, M. K. Shepard, C. Thomas, E. A. Cloutis, D. Takir, A. Conrad, C. Kiddell, and D. Applin. 2017. . The Astronomical Journal 153(1): 29 (8pp) doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/153/1/29.

Greenberger, R. N., J. F. Mustard, G. R. Osinski, L. L. Tornabene, A. J. Pontefract, C. L. Marion, R. L. Flemming, J. H. Wilson, and E. A. Cloutis. 2016. . Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51: 2274–2292.

Nathues, A., M. Hoffmann, T. Platz, G.S. Thangjam, E. A. Cloutis, V. Reddy, L. Le Corre, J.-Y. Li, K. Mengel, A. Rivkin, D. M. Applin, M. Schaefer, U. Christensen, H. Sierks, J. Ripken, B. E. Schmidt, H. Hiesinger, M. V. Sykes, H. G. Sizemore, F. Pruesker, and C. T. Russell. 2016. . Planetary and Space Sciences 134: 122–127.

Reddy, V., J. A. Sanchez, W. F. Bottke, A. Thirouin, E. G. Rivera-Valentin, M. S. Kelley, W. Ryan, E. A. Cloutis, S. C. Tegler, E. V. Ryan, P. A. Taylor, J. E. Richardson, N. Moskovitz, and L. Le Corre. 2016. . The Astronomical Journal 152: 162 (7 pp.); doi:10.3847/0004-6256/152/6/162.

Cloutis, E. A. 2016. . American Mineralogist 101: 1925–1926.

Vernazza, P., M. Marsset, P. Beck, R. P. Binzel, M. Birlan, E. A. Cloutis, F. E. DeMeo, C. Dumas, and T. Hiroi. 2016. . Astronomical Journal 152(3): 54 (10 pp); doi:10.3847/0004-6256/152/3/54.

Johnson, J. R., J. F. Bell III, S. Bender, D. Blaney, E. Cloutis, B. Ehlmann, A. Fraeman, O. Gasnault, K. Kinch, S. Le Mouélic, S. Maurice, E. Rampe, D. Vaniman, and R. C. Wiens. 2016. . American Mineralogist 101: 1501–1524.

Li, J.-Y., V. Reddy, A. Nathues, L. Le Corre, M. R. M. Izawa, E. A. Cloutis, M. V. Sykes, U. Carsenty, J. C. Castillo-Rogez, M. Hoffmann, R. Jaumann, K. Krohn, S. Mottola, T. H. Prettyman, M. Schaefer, P. Schenk, S. E. Schröder, D. A. Williams, D. E. Smith, M. T. Zuber, A. S. Konopliv, R. S. Park, C. A. Raymond, and C. T. Russell. 2016. . Astrophysical Journal 817: L22; doi: 10.3847/2041-8205/817/2/L22.

Applin, D. M., M. R. M. Izawa, and E. A. Cloutis. 2016. . Icarus 278: 7–30.

Regan, S., L. Matwichuk, E. Cloutis, D. Goltz, and P. Mann. 2016. . International Journal of Remote Sensing 37: 2621–2640.

Thomas, I. R., A. C. Vandaele, S. Robert, E. Neefs, R. Drummond, F. Daerden, S. Delanoye, B. Ristic, S. Berkenbosch, R. Clairquin, J. Maes, S. Bonnewijn, C. Depiesse, A. Mahieux, L. Trompet, L. Neary, Y. Willame, V. Wilquet, D. Nevejans, L. Aballea, W. Moelans, L. De Vos, S. Lesschaeve, N. Van Vooren, J.-J. Lopez-Moreno, M. R. Patel, G. Bellucci, and the NOMAD Team. 2016. . Optics Express 24: 3790–3805; DOI:10.1364/OE.24.003790.

Cloutis, E., L. Norman, M. Cuddy, and P. Mann. 2016. Spectral reflectance (350-2500 nm) properties of historic artists’ pigments. II. Red-orange-yellow chromates, jarosites, organics, lead (-tin) oxides, sulphides, nitrites and antimonates. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 24: 119–140.

Cloutis, E., P. Szymanski, D. Applin, and D. Goltz. 2016. . Icarus 274: 211–230.

Robert, S., A. C. Vandaele, I. Thomas, Y. Willame, F. Daerden, S. Delanoye, C. Depiesse, R. Drummond, E. Neefs, L. Neary, B. Ristic, J. Mason, J.-J., Lopez-Moreno, J. Rodriguez-Gomez, M. R. Patel, G. Bellucci, and the NOMAD Team. 2016. . Planetary and Space Science 124: 94–104.

Cloutis, E., A. MacKay, L. Norman, and D. Goltz. 2016. . Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 24: 27–45.

Laing, J. R., H. C. Robichaud, and E. A. Cloutis. 2016. . International Journal of Astrobiology 15: 119–126.

Thangjam, G., A. Nathues, K. Mengel, M. Schäfer, M. Hoffmann, E. A. Cloutis, P. Mann, C. Müller, T. Platz, and T. Schäfer. 2016. . Icarus 267: 344–363.

Izawa, M. R. M., T. Schäfer, V. B. Pietrasz, E. A. Cloutis, P. Mann, A. Nathues, K. Mengel, M. Schäfer, G. Thangjam, M. Hoffmann, K. T. Tait, and D. M. Applin. 2016. . Icarus 266: 235–248.

Berg, B. L., E. A. Cloutis, P. Beck, P. Vernazza, J. L. Bishop, D. Takir, V. Reddy, D. Applin, and P. Mann. 2016. . Icarus 265: 218–237.

Schäfer, T., A. Nathues, K. Mengel, M. R. M. Izawa, E. A. Cloutis, M. Schäfer, and M. Hoffmann. 2016. Icarus 265: 149–160.

Cloutis, E., B. Berg, P. Mann, and D. Applin. 2016. . Icarus 264: 20–36.

Moore, C. A., J.E. Moores, M. T. Lemmon, S. C. R. Rafkin, R. Francis, J. Pla-García, R. M. Haberle, M.-P. Zorzano, F. J. Martín-Torres, J. R. Burton, and the MSL Science Team. 2016. . Icarus 264: 102–108; doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2015.09.001.

Mahaffy, P. R., C. R. Webster, J. C. Stern, A. E. Brunner, S. K. Atreya, P. G. Conrad, S. Domagal-Goldman, J. L. Eigenbrode, G. J. Flesch, L. E. Christensen, H. B. Franz1, C. Freissinet, D. P. Glavin, J. P. Grotzinger, J. H. Jones, L. A. Leshin, C. Malespin, A. C. McAdam, D. W. Ming, R. Navarro-Gonzalez, P. B. Niles, T. Owen, A. A. Pavlov, A. Steele, M. G. Trainer, K. H. Williford, J. J. Wray, and the MSL Science Team. 2015. . Science 347: 412–414; doi: 10.1126/science.1260291.

Webster, C. R., P. R. Mahaffy, S. K. Atreya, G. J. Flesch, M. A. Mischna, P.-Y. Meslin, K. A. Farley, P. G. Conrad, L. E. Christensen, A. A. Pavlov, J. Martín-Torres, M.-P. Zorzano, T. H. McConnochie, T. Owen, J. L. Eigenbrode, D. P. Glavin, A. Steele, C. A. Malespin, P. D. Archer Jr., B. Sutter, P. Coll, C. Freissinet, C. P. McKay, J. E. Moores, S. P. Schwenzer, J. C. Bridges, R. Navarro-Gonzalez, R. Gellert, M. T. Lemmon, and the MSL Science Team. 2015. . Science 347: 415–417; doi:10.1126/science.1261713.

Vandaele, A., C. Y. Willame, C. Depiesse, I. R. Thomas, S. Robert, D. Bolsée, M. R. Patel, J. P. Mason, M. Leese, S. Lesschaeve, P. Antoine, F. Daerden, S. Delanoye, R. Drummond, E. Neefs, B. Ristic, J. J. Lopez-Moreno, G. Bellucci, and the NOMAD Team. 2015. . Optics Express 23: 30028–30042 (2015).

Nathues, A., M. Hoffmann, M. Schaefer, L. Le Corre, V. Reddy, T. Platz, E. A. Cloutis, U. Christensen, T. Kneissl, J.-Y. Li, K. Mengel, N. Schmedemann, T. Schaefer, C.T. Russell, D. M. Applin, D.L. Buczkowski, M. R. M. Izawa, H. U. Keller, D. P. O’Brien, C. M. Pieters, C. A. Raymond, J. Ripken, P. M. Schenk, B. E. Schmidt, H. Sierks, M. V. Sykes, G. S. Thangjam, and J.-B. Vincent. 2015. . Nature 528: 237–240; doi:10.1038/nature15754.

Vandaele, A. C., E. Neefs, R. Drummond, I. R. Thomas, F. Daerden, J.-J. Lopez-Moreno, J. Rodriguez, M. R. Patel, G. Bellucci, M. Allen, F. Altieri, D. Bolsée, T. Clancy, S. Delanoye, C. Depiesse, E. Cloutis, A. Fedorova, V. Formisano, B. Funke, D. Fussen, A. Geminale, J.-C. Gérard, M. Giuranna, N. Ignatiev, J. Kaminski, O. Karatekin, F. Lefèvre, M. López-Puertas, M. López-Valverde, A. Mahieux, J. McConnell, M. Mumma, L. Neary, E. Renotte, B. Ristic, S. Robert, M. Smith, S. Trokhimovsky, J. Vander Auwera, G. Villanueva, J. Whiteway, V. Wilquet, M. Wolff, and the NOMAD Team. 2015. . Planetary and Space Science 119: 233–249.

Eshelman, E., M. G. Daly, G. Slater, and E. Cloutis. 2015. . Planetary and Space Science 119: 200–207.

Cloutis, E. A., P. Mann, M. R. M. Izawa, D. M. Applin, C. Samson, R. Kruzelecky, T. D. Glotch, S. A. Mertzman, K. R. Mertzman, T. W. Haltigin, and C. Fry. 2015. . Planetary and Space Science 119: 155–172.

Greenberger, R. N., J. F. Mustard, B. L. Ehlmann, D. L. Blaney, E. A. Cloutis, J. H. Wilson, R. O. Green, and A. A. Fraeman. 2015. . GSA Today 25: 4–10. doi: 10.1130/GSATG252A.1.

Greenberger, R. N., J. F. Mustard, E. A. Cloutis, P. Mann, J. H. Wilson, R. L. Flemming, K. M. Robertson, M. R. Salvatore, C. S. Edwards. 2015. . Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 171: 174–200.

Le Corre, L., V. Reddy, J. A. Sanchez, T. Dunn, E. A. Cloutis, M. R. M. Izawa, P. Mann, and A. Nathues. 2015. . Icarus 258: 483–499.

Nathues, A., M. Hoffmann, M. Schäfer, G. Thangjam, L. Le Corre, V. Reddy, U. Christensen, K. Mengel, H. Sierks, J.-P. Vincent, E. A. Cloutis, C.T. Russell, T. Schäfer, P. Gutierrez-Marques, I. Hall, J. Ripken, and I. Büttner. 2015. . Icarus 258: 467–482.

Ruesch, O., H. Hiesinger, E. Cloutis, L. Le Corre, J. Kallisch, P. Mann, K. Markus, K. Metzler, A. Nathues, and V. Reddy. 2015. . Icarus 258: 384–401.

Palomba, E., A. Longobardo, M. C. De Sanctis, A. Zinzi, E. Ammannito, S. Marchi, F. Tosi, F. Zambon, M. T. Capria, C. T. Russell, C. A. Raymond, and E. A. Cloutis. 2015. . Icarus 258: 120–134.

Beck, P., B. Schmitt, E. A. Cloutis, and P. Vernazza. 2015. Icarus 257: 471–476.

Binzel, R. P., F. E. DeMeo, B. J. Burt, E. A. Cloutis, B. Rozitis, T. H. Burbine, H. Campins, B. E. Clark, J. P. Emery, C. W. Hergenrother, E. S. Howell, D. S. Lauretta, M. C. Nolan, M. Mansfield, V. Pietrasz, D. Polishook, and D. J. Scheeres. 2015. . Icarus 256: 22–29.

Izawa, M. R. M., M. A. Craig, D. M. Applin, J. A. Sanchez, V. Reddy, L. Le Corre, P. Mann, and E. A. Cloutis. 2015. . Icarus 254: 324–332.

Qadi, A., E. Cloutis, C. Samson, L. Whyte, A. Ellery, J. F. Bell III, G. Berard, A. Boivin, E. Haddad, J. Lavoie, W. Jamroz, R. Kruzelecky, A. Mack, P. Mann, K. Olsen, M. Perrot, D. Popa, T. Rhind, R. Sharma, J. Stromberg, K. Strong, A. Tremblay, R. Wilhelm, B. Wing, and B. Wong. 2015. . Advances in Space Research 55: 2414–2426.

Ronholm, J., I. Raymond-Boucher, M. Creskey, T. Cyr, E. A. Cloutis, and L. G. Whyte. 2015. . Extremophiles 19: 619–629.

Applin, D. M., M. R. M. Izawa, E. A. Cloutis, D. Goltz, and J. R. Johnson. 2015. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 420: 127–139.

Lauretta, D. S., A. E. Bartels, M. A. Barucci, E. B. Bierhaus, R. P. Binzel, W. F. Bottke, H. Campins, S. R. Chesley, B. C. Clark, B. E. Clark, E. A. Cloutis, H. C. Connolly, M. K. Crombie, M. Delbo, J. P. Dworkin, J. P. Emery, D. P. Glavin, V. E. Hamilton, C. W. Hergenrother, C. L. Johnson, L. P. Keller, P. Michel, M. C. Nolan, S. A. Sandford, D. J. Scheeres, A. A. Simon, B. M. Sutter, D. Vokrouhlicky, and K. J. Walsh. 2015. . Meteorites and Planetary Science 50,: 834–849.

Greenberger, R. N., J. F. Mustard, E. A. Cloutis, L. M. Pratt, P. E. Sauer, P. Mann, K. Turner, M. D. Dyar, and D.L. Bish. 2015. . Earth and Planetary Science Letters 416: 21–34.

Reddy, V., D. Vokrouhlický, W. F. Bottke, P. Pravec, J. A. Sanchez, B. L. Gary, R. Klima, E. A. Cloutis, A. Galád, T. T. Guan, K. Hornoch, M. R. M. Izawa, P. Kušnirák, L. Le Corre, P. Mann, N. Moskovitz, B. Skiff, and J. Vraštil. 2015. . Icarus 252: 129–143.

Cloutis, E. A., J. A. Sanchez, V. Reddy, M. J. Gaffey, R. P. Binzel, T. H. Burbine, P. S. Hardersen, T. Hiroi, P. G. Lucey, J. M. Sunshine, and K. T. Tait. 2015. Icarus 252: 39–82.

Gaffey, M. J., V. Reddy, S. Fieber-Beyer, and E. Cloutis. 2015. . Icarus 250: 623–638.

Johnson, J. R., J. F. Bell III, S. Bender, D. Blaney, E. Cloutis, L. DeFlores, B. Ehlmann, O. Gasnault, B. Gondet, K. Kinch, M. Lemmon, S. Le Mouélic, S. Maurice, M. Rice, R. C. Wiens, and the MSL Science Team. 2015. Icarus 249: 74–92.

Farley, K. A., C. Malespin, P. Mahaffy, J. P. Grotzinger, P. M. Vasconcelos, R. E. Milliken, M. Malin, K. S. Edgett, A. A. Pavlov, J. A. Hurowitz, J. A. Grant, H. B. Miller, R. Arvidson, L. Beegle, F. Calef, P. G. Conrad, W. E. Dietrich, J. Eigenbrode, R. Gellert, S. Gupta, V. Hamilton, D. M. Hassler, K. W. Lewis, S. M. McLennan, D. Ming, R. Navarro-González, S. P. Schwenzer, A. Steele, E. M. Stolper, D. Y. Sumner, D. Vaniman, A. Vasavada, K. Williford, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, and the MSL Science Team. 2014. . Science 343: 1247166; doi: 10.1126/science.1247166.

Hassler, D. M., C. Zeitlin, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, B. Ehresmann, S. Rafkin, J. L. Eigenbrode, D. E. Brinza, G. Weigle, S. Böttcher, E. Böhm, S. Burmeister, J. Guo, J. Köhler, C. Martin, G. Reitz, F. A. Cucinotta, M.-H. Kim, D. Grinspoon, M. A. Bullock, A. Posner, J. Gómez-Elvira, A. Vasavada, J. P. Grotzinger, and the MSL Science Team. 2014. . Science 343: 1244797; doi: 10.1126/science.1244797.

Grotzinger, J. P., D. Y. Sumner, L. C. Kah, K. Stack, S. Gupta, L. Edgar, D. Rubin, K. Lewis, J. Schieber, N. Mangold, R. Milliken, P. G. Conrad, D. DesMarais, J. Farmer, K. Siebach, F. Calef III, J. Hurowitz, S. M. McLennan, D. Ming, D. Vaniman, J. Crisp, A. Vasavada, K. S. Edgett, M. Malin, D. Blake, R. Gellert, P. Mahaffy, R. C. Wiens, S. Maurice, J. A. Grant, S. Wilson, R. C. Anderson, L. Beegle, R. Arvidson, B. Hallet, R. S. Sletten, M. Rice, J. Bell III, J. Griffes, B. Ehlmann, R. B. Anderson, T. F. Bristow, W. E. Dietrich, G. Dromart, J. Eigenbrode, A. Fraeman, C. Hardgrove, K. Herkenhoff, L. Jandura, G. Kocurek, S. Lee, L. A. Leshin, R. Leveille, D. Limonadi, J. Maki, S. McCloskey, M. Meyer, M. Minitti, H. Newsom, D. Oehler, A. Okon, M. Palucis, T. Parker, S. Rowland, M. Schmidt, S. Squyres, A. Steele, E. Stolper, R. Summons, A. Treiman, R. Williams, A. Yingst, and the MSL Science Team. 2014. . Science 343: 1242777; doi: 10.1126/science.1242777.

Vaniman, D. T., D. L. Bish, D. W. Ming, T. F. Bristow, R. V. Morris, D. F. Blake, S. J. Chipera, S. M. Morrison, A. H. Treiman, E. B. Rampe, M. Rice, C. N. Achilles, J. P. Grotzinger, S. M. McLennan, J. Williams, J. F. Bell III, H. E. Newsom, R. T. Downs, S. Maurice, P. Sarrazin, A. S. Yen, J. M. Morookian, J. D. Farmer, K. Stack, R. E. Milliken, B. L. Ehlmann, D. Y. Sumner, G. Berger, J. A. Crisp, J. A. Hurowitz, R. Anderson, D. J. Des Marais, E. M. Stolper, K. S. Edgett, S. Gupta, N. Spanovich, and the MSL Science Team. 2014. . Science 343: 1243480; doi:10.1126/science.1243480.

Cousin, A., P. Y. Meslin, R. C. Wiens, W. Rapin, N. Mangold, C. Fabre, O. Gasnault, O. Forni, R. Tokar, A. Ollila, S. Schröder, J. Lasue, S. Maurice, V. Sautter, H. Newsom, D. Vaniman, S. Le Mouélic, D. Dyar, G. Berger, D. Blaney, M. Nachon, G. Dromart, N. Lanza, B. Clark, S. Clegg, W. Goetz, J. Berger, B. Barraclough, D. Delapp, and the MSL Science Team. 2015. . Icarus 249: 22-42; doi:10.106/j.icarus.2014.04.052.

Ming, D. W., P. D. Archer Jr., D. P. Glavin, J. L. Eigenbrode, H. B. Franz, B. Sutter, A. E. Brunner, J. C. Stern, C. Freissinet, A. C. McAdam, P. R. Mahaffy, M. Cabane, P. Coll, J. L. Campbell, S. K. Atreya, P. B. Niles, J. F. Bell III, D. L. Bish, W. B. Brinckerhoff, A. Buch, P. G. Conrad, D. J. Des Marais, B. L. Ehlmann, A. G. Fairén, K. Farley, G. J. Flesch, P. Francois, R. Gellert, J. A. Grant, J. P. Grotzinger, S. Gupta, K. E. Herkenhoff, J. A. Hurowitz, L. A. Leshin, K. W. Lewis, S. M. McLennan, K. E. Miller, J. Moersch, R. V. Morris, R. Navarro-González, A. A. Pavlov, G. M. Perrett, I. Pradler, S. W. Squyres, R. E. Summons, A. Steele, E. M. Stolper, D. Y. Sumner, C. Szopa, S. Teinturier, M. G. Trainer, A. H. Treiman, D. T. Vaniman, A. R. Vasavada, C. R. Webster, J. J. Wray, R. A. Yingst, and the MSL Science Team. 2014. . Science 343: 1245267; doi: 10.1126/science.1245267.

McLennan, S. M., R. B. Anderson, J. F. Bell III, J. C. Bridges, F. Calef III, J. L. Campbell, B. C. Clark, S. Clegg, P. Conrad, A. Cousin, D. J. Des Marais, G. Dromart, M. D. Dyar, L. A. Edgar, B. L. Ehlmann, C. Fabre, O. Forni, O. Gasnault, R. Gellert, S. Gordon, J. A. Grant, J. P. Grotzinger, S. Gupta, K. E. Herkenhoff, J. A. Hurowitz, P. L. King, S. Le Mouélic, L. A. Leshin, R. Léveillé, K. W. Lewis, N. Mangold, S. Maurice, D. W. Ming, R. V. Morris, M. Nachon, H. E. Newsom, A. M. Ollila, G. M. Perrett, M. S. Rice, M. E. Schmidt, S. P. Schwenzer, K. Stack, E. M. Stolper, D. Y. Sumner, A. H. Treiman, S. VanBommel, D. T. Vaniman, A. Vasavada, R. C. Wiens, R. A. Yingst, and the MSL Science Team. 2014. . Science 343: 1244734; doi: 10.1126/science.1244734.

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Ronholm, J., D. Schumann, H. M. Sapers, M. Izawa, D. Applin, B. Berg, P. Mann, H. Vali, R. L. Flemming, E. A. Cloutis, and L.G. Whyte. 2014. . Geobiology 12: 542–556.

Schmieder, M., F. Jourdan, E. Tohver, and E. A. Cloutis. 2014. . Earth and Planetary Science Letters 406: 37–48.

Thangjam, G., A. Nathues, K. Mengel, M. Hoffmann, M. Schäfer, V. Reddy, E. A. Cloutis, U. Christensen, H. Sierks, L. Le Corre, J.-B. Vincent, and C. T. Russell. 2014. . Meteoritics and Planetary Science 49: 1831–1850.

Berg, B. L., J. Ronholm, D.M. Applin, P. Mann, M. Izawa, E. A. Cloutis, and L. G. Whyte. 2014. . International Journal of Astrobiology 13: 353–365.

Rhind, T., J. Ronholm, B. Berg, P. Mann, D. Applin, J. Stromberg, R. Sharma, L. G. Whyte, and E. A. Cloutis. 2014. . International Journal of Astrobiology 13: 366–377.

Palomba, E., A. Longobardo, M. C. De Sanctis, F. Zambon, F. Tosi, E. Ammannito, F. Capaccioni, A. Frigeri, M. T. Capria, E. A. Cloutis, R. Jaumann, J.-P. Combe, C. A. Raymond, and C. T. Russell. 2014. . Icarus 240: 58–72.

Nathues, A., M. Hoffmann, E. A. Cloutis, M. Schäfer, V. Reddy, U. Christensen, H. Sierks, G. S. Thangjam, L. Le Corre, K. Mengel, J.-P. Vincent, C. T. Russell, T. Prettyman, N. Schmedemann, T. Kneissl, C. Raymond, P. Gutierrez-Marques, I. Hall, and I. Büttner. 2014. . Icarus 239: 222–237.

Neeley, J. R., B. E. Clark, M. E. Ockert-Bell, M.K. Shepard, J. Conklin, E. A. Cloutis, S. Fornasier, and S. J. Bus. 2014. . Icarus 238: 37–50.

Stromberg, J. M., D. A. Applin, E. A. Cloutis, M. Rice, G. Berard, and P. Mann. 2014. . International Journal of Astrobiology 13: 203–223.

Izawa, M. R. M., D. M. Applin, L. Norman, and E. Cloutis. 2014. . Icarus 237: 159-181.

Reddy, V., J. A. Sanchez, W. F. Bottke, E. A. Cloutis, M. R. M. Izawa, D. P. O'Brien, P. Mann, M. Cuddy, L. Le Corre, M. J. Gaffey, and G. Fujihara. 2014. . Icarus 237: 116–130.

Horgan, B. H. N., E. A. Cloutis, P. Mann, and J. F. Bell III. 2014. . Icarus 234: 132–154.

Cloutis, E. A., R. P. Binzel, and M. J. Gaffey. 2014. . Elements 10: 25–30.

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Sanchez, J. A., V. Reddy, M. S. Kelley, E. A. Cloutis, W. F. Bottke, D. Nesvorny, M. P. Lucas, P. S. Hardersen, M. J. Gaffey, P. A. Abell, and L. Le Corre. 2014. . Icarus 228: 288–300.